Thursday, October 22, 2020

Understanding The Causes Of Sleep Paralysis

Understanding The Causes Of Sleep Paralysis    

It Occurs When Waking Up From A Dream And Can Also Include Hallucinations    

Sleep paralysis consists of the inability to move or speak after waking up, which is normalized after 15 seconds to 2 minutes. It is not an unusual condition. The cause is that during REM sleep is when dreams occur. However, the brain paralyzes the skeletal muscles, which include the limbs and the mouth, to avoid movement during dreams, preventing that person could hurt himself or hurt others. The paralysis does not affect the muscles that are related to the functioning of the body and have involuntary movement, such as the heart, and the ones linked with digestion and breathing, among others. If the person wakes up during the REM phase, it is very probable that the paralysis will still continue. Also sleep paralysis might happen when falling asleep, or when waking up. Another characteristic is hallucinations, in which someone or something is watching the person or even sitting on his chest. Duration of sleep paralysis is related to the level of anxiety it generates on the person. Click here for more details.


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