Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Benefits Of Cannabis For Migraine Treatment

Benefits Of Cannabis For Migraines Treatment    

A Substantial Percentage Of Patients Were Able To Reduce The Intensity And Frequency Of Attacks And Improve Sleep    

According to researchers cannabis can be used to treat migraine and chronic headaches. Migraine is a condition in certain triggers, such as bright lights, aromas, among other stimuli can lead to a strong headache. The normal treatment consists of drugs that decrease the unwanted migraine symptoms, or may even prevent it, but these can have undesirable side effects and sometimes they don't offer relief for everybody. A study has found that cannabis can reduce the severity of migraine symptoms by 50% and eventually prevent the excruciating headaches. Another study has found that almost 90% of patients have a decrease in headache intensity and, more than half experienced a decrease in headache frequency after cannabis treatment. Also, almost 40% found that they had better sleep. Additionally, 50% of patients using opioid medications for chronic pain lowered the frequency of usage. Cannabis decreases migraine by affecting the endocannabinoid system, which can reduce migraine via naturally produced cannabinoids, and also decreases the inflammation in the protective dura mater, which is a tissue that covers the brain. Cannabis also and reduces the release of the inflammatory substances that cause migraines.


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