Friday, February 28, 2020

These Foods Must Not Be Taken Before Bedtime

These Foods Must Not Be Taken Before Bedtime    

They May Cause Heartburn, Wakefulness, And Even Give An Energy Boost, Preventing A Restful Sleep    

Eating certain foods before bed will result in a poor sleeping, because they affect the digestive process leading to heartburn, or keep the body active, preventing a restful state. For example, fried foods take longer to digest, hot sauces cause heartburn and result in the production of histamines, which causes wakefulness. Other food that must be not eaten before bedtime is turkey. Alcohol forces the liver to work hard to process it, which in turn, increases the heart rate, preventing a good sleep. Even though it has tryptophan, which causes sleepiness, it also causes the brain to produce dopamine, which gives energy. Chocolate, certain teas, and coffee (of course!) contain caffeine, which will prevent falling asleep easily. Check all the foods that must not be taken before bedtime. Additional information click here.


Eating A Large Meal Before Going To Sleep Will Result In Acid Reflux

Eating A Large Meal Before Going To Sleep Will Result In Acid Reflux    

Also, It Prepares The Body For Activity, Leading To Problems Getting Asleep    

Eating a large meal before going to sleep will result in heartburn and also problems getting to sleep. This is because of the body, in the presence of a large meal, prepares itself for activity, when the objective is to go to sleep. Also, lying down after taking a meal will increase the risk of acid reflux. In a standing position, gravity makes it harder for the food to return. This does not occur when lying down. Click here for more details.


Ever Wanted To Sleep Five Hours Per Night? This Is What May Happen

Ever Wanted To Sleep Five Hours Per Night? This Is What May Happen    

Sleeping too little time for many days will affect your body and your mind. Some of the consequences are a decline in cognitive ability, mood changes and sleeping while driving. Poor sleeping for 3 or 4 nights increases the risk of disease and infections because of reduced antibodies and low immune system. More than 5 days can cause stroke, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Click here for more details.


People With High-Functioning PTSD Do Not Exteriorize The Symptoms

People With High-Functioning PTSD Do Not Exteriorize The Symptoms    

However, They Suffer From Insomnia And Gastrointestinal Problems Due To The Extreme Stress    

Some people can experience PTSD, but do not show the symptoms, going through their daily activities. This condition is called high-functioning PTSD. People respond internally to PTSD, not showing exterior symptoms, not interfering with everyday activities and relationships. One of the characteristics is being workaholics – staying busy all the time, in order not to think about the painful memories. There are also strong emotional reactions, feeling unsafe and extremely vigilant. They also suffer from insomnia, as a result of being exhausted from pushing themselves mentally and physically. The person is tired, the brain is still active, not being able to sleep. The also experience digestive problems and stomach pain, because the brain sends signals to the stomach that the brain is under excessive stress. These issues are the result of maintaining the image of everything is together and fine. Click here for more information.


Avoiding Jet Lag – Watch What You Eat On A Plane

Avoiding Jet Lag – Watch What You Eat On A Plane    

Jet lag is the effect of the time-zone change in our bodies. Since the internal clock is out of sync with the destination’s hour, the body feels less alert and less motivated. One way to reduce jet lag is watching what you ingest in the plane: water instead of alcohol, foods like turkey, bananas, cherries, and carbohydrate-rich foods. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


This Diet Will Boost Your Mood And Help With Insomnia

This Diet Will Boost Your Mood And Help With Insomnia    

A diet low on minerals such as selenium, iron, magnesium, and vitamins such as B12 and folate will result in tiredness, fatigue, and insomnia. And if the diet is poor, like junk food, it can lower the energy. This can be solved with foods that boost the mood, such as dark chocolate, salmon, oats, and eggs, among others. Check the full list. Click here for more details.


Low Serotonin Can Be The Cause Of Sleep Disorders, Migraine, And Anxiety

Low Serotonin Can Be The Cause Of Sleep Disorders, Migraine, And Anxiety    

It Can Be Treated Naturally With A Diet Rich In Tryptophan    

Serotonin is a brain chemical that regulates sleep, mood, appetite, and memory. Some people might have low serotonin levels as a result of vitamin B6 deficiency, or certain amino acids. Symptoms include migraines, sleep disorders, depression, and anxiety, among others. It can be treated with diets rich in tryptophan, seafood, sunlight, and exercise, to name a few. For quicker results, there are treatments based on drugs called SSRIs. Additional details click here.


Don’t Want To Take Sleep Medication? Try These Herbal Teas

Don’t Want To Take Sleep Medication? Try These Herbal Teas    

Did you know that poor sleep quality can be related to heartburn? One of the causes is because certain sleep medications have many side effects including appetite changes, gasses, diarrhea, heartburn, and stomach pain. An alternative to these medications is herbal teas, such as chamomile, California poppy, and valerian, which have a relaxing and soothing effect. Additional info click here.


This Sleep Calculator Will Tell You The Exact Time To Go To Sleep For Waking Up Energized

This Sleep Calculator Will Tell You The Exact Time To Go To Sleep For Waking Up Energized    

Learning about sleep cycles will help you calculate when going to bed. This is because if you wake up or put the alarm clock at the wrong time of the cycle, you will feel tired. This is because the sleep cycle lasts about 90 minutes, which includes five stages of sleep, four of non-REM and a fifth REM (rapid eye movement) cycle. Waking between cycles will make you feel fatigued, but waking at the end of the cycle will wake you energized. This can be detailed in the sleep calculator. More Information click here.


Your Bedroom Can Be The Cause Of Poor Sleep

Your Bedroom Can Be The Cause Of Poor Sleep    

A suitable environment is necessary for a good sleep. Sometimes, the bedroom does not offer the proper conditions: it has too much light, which decreases the production of melatonin, TV sets or tablets release low-level radiation, or the bedding and furniture has too many allergens, causing an itchy nose or watery eyes. Check all the tips for having a proper bedroom. Additional info click here.


What Are The Causes Of Sleep Paralysis?

What Are The Causes Of Sleep Paralysis?    

For some people, sleeping is a nightmare, but waking up is even worse. Sleep paralysis is the sensation of waking up and perceiving a stranger in the room or some type of danger being unable to react to it. It can be related to stress and sleep deprivation. More details click here.


Unusual Causes Of Migraine Attacks

Unusual Causes Of Migraine Attacks    

They Include Birth Control Pills, Hypertension Caused By Salty Food, And Changes In Sleep Patterns Due To Jet Lag    

Migraines cause a excruciating pain, typically on just one side of the head. Other symptoms are nausea, vomiting and light, and sound sensitivity. Also, there can be a visual stimulus, called an “aura,” which can consist of flashes of light or blind spots. Even though the exact cause is not clear, specialists believe that a wave of electricity spreading across the cortex releases inflammatory mediators, which irritate the nerves in the brain. One of these is the trigeminal nerve, resulting in the painful sensation. It can be caused by stress, bright lights, and wine. However, there are also little-known causes, such as hormonal birth control pills, which affects the levels of estrogen. Other causes are salty foods, which elevate the blood pressure, and aged cheeses, which contain a substance related to migraine attacks. Also, jet lag can also trigger a migraine, due to the changes in sleeping patterns, and it can be aggravated by the low cabin pressure in a plane. Check all the unusual migraine causes. More info click here.


Natural Fixes For Insomnia

Natural Fixes For Insomnia    

Insomnia can be treated in a natural way, with no pills. However, one first understands the origin of insomnia, such as excessive anxiety or chronic pain. Once they are addressed, you can try other methods, such as using essential oils, improve the ability to relax, and also take note of the number of bathroom breaks during the night – this could be a symptom of diabetes. Click here for more details.


Melatonin Can Be Taken As A Sleeping Aid But May Have Side Effects

Melatonin Can Be Taken As A Sleeping Aid But May Have Side Effects    

Among These Are Drowsiness, Headaches, And Gastrointestinal Issues    

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain, which regulates when the body should fall asleep or wake up, also known as the circadian rhythm. It can be taken as a supplement, which helps with sleep disorders and also with jet lag. However, it has side effects, such as drowsiness, similar to the sensation of a hangover. This happens when the body does not process the supplement quickly. In other cases, it is insomnia, which is a completely opposite effect than the one sought. This happens because the body starts producing melatonin at sundown, and, if taken at late night, it might not work. Headaches and gastrointestinal issues are also present due to the fact that the body might react differently to the supplement. More details click here.


Napping Can Help Improve Concentration, Decision Making And Also Promote Creativity

Napping Can Help Improve Concentration, Decision Making And Also Promote Creativity    

It Should Not Last For More Than 20 Minutes    

Napping is beneficial for the health, although it is not approved by many and even seen as a sign of laziness. However, most of us have felt a sensation of sleepiness in the afternoon. The reason is that we are biologically designed by evolution to have a long sleep at the night, and a brief resting sleep in the middle of the day. Among its benefits are greater alertness and better concentration, because, in nappers, brain activity related with concentration was as strong in the afternoon as in the morning, while non-nappers have a decrease of brain activity in the afternoons. It can also improve memory, decision-making, and also cognitive flexibility, also known as “thinking outside the box”. It also enhances learning and creativity and reduces stress, which also helps in controlling blood pressure. However, napping for more than 20 minutes can have adverse effects, interfering with night sleep, and daily performance. An exception, if there is available time, is napping for 90 minutes, which will allow going through the full REM cycle. Check all the benefits of napping. Click here for more info.


Poor Sleep Can Lead To These Issues On Your Body

Poor Sleep Can Lead To These Issues On Your Body    

Insufficient sleep will have effects on the body. One of them is a greater risk of catching a cold, because of the lowered defenses. Also, it will lead to Inflammatory Bowel Disease, irritability and mood swings, and headaches and migraines, learning problems and poor vision, among others. Additional information click here.


What Are The Causes Of Sleep Paralysis?

What Are The Causes Of Sleep Paralysis?    

For some people, sleeping is a nightmare, but waking up is even worse. Sleep paralysis is the sensation of waking up and perceiving a stranger in the room or some type of danger being unable to react to it. It can be related to stress and sleep deprivation. More details click here.


Portable Device Screens Affect Sleep Quality

Portable Device Screens Affect Sleep Quality    

They Emit Blue Light, Which Affects The Production Of Melatonin    

Diverse studies have shown that the artificial blue light emitted by the LED screens of portable devices affects sleep quality. It reduces the production of melatonin, a chemical that tells the body that it’s time to sleep and also increases alertness. According to researchers, this light can be avoided with special eyewear that blocks blue light and also anti-reflective lenses. Additional info click here.


Excessive Sweating Can Be The Symptoms Of A Serious Disease

Excessive Sweating Can Be The Symptoms Of A Serious Disease    

Excessive perspiration is not only a sign that the weather is too hot. Hyperhidrosis is caused by overactive sweat glands, but can also be a symptom of anxiety disorder, heart disease or diabetes. More Information click here.


Study: Symptoms Of Depression Reduced By Staying In Bed A Little Longer

Study: Symptoms Of Depression Reduced By Staying In Bed A Little Longer    

Depression is related to insomnia. According to studies, most people with depression also have depression. And having insomnia increases the risk by 10 of being depressed. However, a recent research has found that two extra hours in bed improve the symptoms of depression. Click here for more info.


Causes Of Sleepwalking And How To Avoid It

Causes Of Sleepwalking And How To Avoid It    

It Increases The Risk Of Injury To The Patient And To Others    

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is more common among children than adults. It is estimated that 15% of children between the ages of 4 to 12 will have episodes of sleepwalking. The cause may be because they spend greater time in deep non-REM sleep stages. However, there are other causes, such as genetics, and an irregular sleep schedule, affecting the circadian rhythm, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Sleep deprivation, excessive stress, and magnesium deficiency can be other causes. Also, sleepwalking increases the risk of injury to the patient and to others, and they can even have episodes of violence. Check all the causes of somnambulism. Additional details click here.


Unable To Sleep After Waking In The Middle Of The Night? This Is The Answer

Unable To Sleep After Waking In The Middle Of The Night? This Is The Answer    

If you wake in the middle of the night and cannot sleep again, chances are that you will be worrying about not sleeping, possible fatigue at work next day and low productivity. There is an answer. Get out of the bed and do something else, until you are sleepy again. This is because the brain works by association, and, with training, it will relate the bed with good sleep, whereas, staying in bed with insomnia will make an association with bad sleep. Additional details click here.


Sleep Better With These Stretches

Sleep Better With These Stretches    

Sometimes it is hard to sleep because the mind is still solving job issues even when you are not. One way to overcome it is by practicing yoga before you sleep, and also doing some relaxing stretches. It will not only provide the best rest and sleep but will also disconnect your mind and relieve tension on the joints and the back. More Information click here.


Causes Of Sleepwalking And How To Avoid It

Causes Of Sleepwalking And How To Avoid It    

It Increases The Risk Of Injury To The Patient And To Others    

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is more common among children than adults. It is estimated that 15% of children between the ages of 4 to 12 will have episodes of sleepwalking. The cause may be because they spend greater time in deep non-REM sleep stages. However, there are other causes, such as genetics, and an irregular sleep schedule, affecting the circadian rhythm, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Sleep deprivation, excessive stress, and magnesium deficiency can be other causes. Also, sleepwalking increases the risk of injury to the patient and to others, and they can even have episodes of violence. Check all the causes of somnambulism. Additional details click here.


Working Remotely May Increase The Risk Of Stress And Insomnia

Working Remotely May Increase The Risk Of Stress And Insomnia    

Working outside the office usually boosts productivity. However, a recent study also found out that it was related to longer working hours, work home interference, higher work intensity, and unpaid overtime. This resulted in frequent episodes of stress and insomnia. Additional info click here.


Frequent Headaches And Neck And Back Pain May Be Caused By Fibromyalgia

Frequent Headaches And Neck And Back Pain May Be Caused By Fibromyalgia    

Other Symptoms Include A Burning Sensation And Stiffness    

Fibromyalgia is a condition caused by changes in the way the body processes pain signals. It can be caused by a stressful event or a painful injury. Among its symptoms are frequent headaches, and pain around the body or focused on the neck or back. The pain can be felt like a stabbing or a burning sensation. It also includes extreme sensitivity, and also stiffness. Other symptoms are extreme fatigue and difficulty to sleep. Even though there is not a cure, there are treatments to ease the pain. Additional info click here.


Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person

Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person    

Insomnia is the difficulty in sleeping at night, while sleep apnea is the interruption of breathing during sleep. These are the most common sleep disorders, and a study has found that these disorders frequently occur in the same person, calling it Complex Insomnia. Patients have a poor quality of life due to daytime sleepiness, fatigue, difficulty to focus and concentrate and irritability. Click here for more info.


Getting Rid Of Migraine When Waking Up

Getting Rid Of Migraine When Waking Up    

The Key Is To Identify The Triggers Such As Hunger, Hormones, And Lack Of Sleep    

There are times when migraine sufferers wake up with a migraine. To control this, the idea is to determine what the triggers are. Migraine sufferers tend to have six triggers each, however, they are not all the same for each person. It also depends on the threshold, which is determined by genetics. For example, one glass of red wine before sleeping will activate a migraine, while half a glass won't. Also, migraine drugs work by increasing the threshold. To identify the triggers, the best idea is to keep a journal. Among the most common triggers are hunger, which lowers the blood sugar, hormones, and lack of sleep, which can be caused by frequent changes in shift times. Check all the migraine triggers. Click here for more information.


Natural Fixes For Insomnia

Natural Fixes For Insomnia    

Insomnia can be treated in a natural way, with no pills. However, one first understands the origin of insomnia, such as excessive anxiety or chronic pain. Once they are addressed, you can try other methods, such as using essential oils, improve the ability to relax, and also take note of the number of bathroom breaks during the night – this could be a symptom of diabetes. Click here for more details.


Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System

Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System    

Gut Bacteria Affects Other Parts Of The Body Besides The Digestive System    

The digestive system interacts with the rest of the body. Some of the symptoms of a digestive problem might appear in different parts of the body. While the most evident are heartburn and bloating, a low mood and depression can be related to digestive issues. It also makes us prefer fast food over healthy meals. This is due to certain bacteria affect the production of serotonin. Another symptom is a reduced immune system, leading to frequent colds and viruses, and hay fever. Poor sleeping is also related, due to protein-rich food increases the production of melatonin, a necessary hormone for a good sleep. More Information click here.


Frequent Wake-Ups At Night Can Be Caused By The Neuronal Noise

Frequent Wake-Ups At Night Can Be Caused By The Neuronal Noise    

It Is The Voltage In Neurons And Increases In Cold Temperature    

Most people wake up a dozen times at night but do not remember it. The cause is the neuronal noise, which are random fluctuations in the voltage of the neurons, which can increase to the point of causing to wake up. One of the factors that affect this neuronal noise is the temperature. A high temperature lowers the neuronal noise, and also the frequency of these wake-ups. Lower temperatures have the opposite effect, increasing the frequency of wake-ups, and even preventing to sleep again. This is important for babies with impaired breathing, which, when placed in hot rooms, do not have the neuronal noise to wake up, increasing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Additional details click here.


This Insomnia Treatment Does The Exact Opposite Of Getting Asleep

This Insomnia Treatment Does The Exact Opposite Of Getting Asleep    

The Patient Eliminates The Anxiety To Get Asleep, Trying To Stay Awake    

Insomnia is defined as the inability or difficulty to sleep. There is an insomnia treatment that consists of doing exactly the opposite. Instead of staying in bed, anxiously forcing to get asleep, the patient must stay awake as much as possible, until he falls asleep. It is a treatment based on reverse psychology, called paradoxical Intention. It does not oppose the anxious intention (of trying to force to sleep) but guides it in the opposite direction (toward forcing to stay awake). Click here for more info.


Acupuncture Treatment For Insomnia Had Better Results Than Drugs

Acupuncture Treatment For Insomnia Had Better Results Than Drugs    

Patients Had Better Sleep Quality, Duration, And Daytime Alertness    

Researchers have compared the effectivity of acupuncture in the ear with the drug estalozam for insomnia treatment in elder patients, with better results for acupuncture. It showed improvements in sleep quality and duration, and also daytime alertness. It involved the application of needles to the surface of the ear. The drug estalozam is the same family as diazepam (Valium). The aspects that were measured included difficulty to sleep, waking up too early and staying asleep. Click here for more information.


Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Yoga

Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Yoga    

It Helps With Back Pain, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, And Even Sleep Disorders    

Yoga has multiple health benefits. Adepts say that fights stress, hypertension, and provides a flexible body, among others. However, there are benefits that are scientifically proven one of them is treating back pain, due to the fact that it helps with stretching the muscles, as long as the poses are not too complicated. Another study showed the benefits of treating heart disease. The slow movement and the calming and meditative breathing reduces stress and hypertension. There are also benefits for sleep disorders, because the slow and controlled breathing slows down the brain after an intense day at the job, improving the sleep quality and quantity. Check all the scientifically proven benefits of yoga. Click here for more info.


These Signs Can Tell That The Body’s pH Is Off-Balance

These Signs Can Tell That The Body’s pH Is Off-Balance    

When the body has an optimal pH balance, everything feels well, including the digestion, mood, and energy. There are things that can throw pH levels off balance, such as processed foods, which have excess sugar, lack of citrus, dehydration, excess stress, and too much animal protein, among others. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Web-Based Insomnia Treatment Showed Positive Outcome

Web-Based Insomnia Treatment Showed Positive Outcome    

There is now a web-based treatment for insomnia. It is based on cognitive behavioral therapy, which addresses the behavior resulting in insomnia. The treatment resulted in a positive outcome for most participants. Click here for more information.


Portable Device Screens Affect Sleep Quality

Portable Device Screens Affect Sleep Quality    

They Emit Blue Light, Which Affects The Production Of Melatonin    

Diverse studies have shown that the artificial blue light emitted by the LED screens of portable devices affects sleep quality. It reduces the production of melatonin, a chemical that tells the body that it’s time to sleep and also increases alertness. According to researchers, this light can be avoided with special eyewear that blocks blue light and also anti-reflective lenses. Additional info click here.


Narcolepsy Can Cause Hallucinations About Dying

Narcolepsy Can Cause Hallucinations About Dying    

It Causes Loss Of Strength And Leads To An Irregular Sleep Cycle    

Narcolepsy, which is a condition whose sufferers can have sudden attacks of sleep, and can have extraordinary sleepiness during the day. The can also lose their strength, a condition known as cataplexy, and fall to the ground. However, there are other symptoms, such as hallucinations. The normal sleep cycle consists of four stages and a fifth one called REM in with the brain prepares for the next day and usually has no dreams. In narcolepsy, the brain jumps into REM within minutes of sleep, and it is difficult to differentiate if dreams are real or not. In some cases, dreams can be horrible, such as dreaming of death. Additional info click here.


Study: Sleep Strengthens The Most Relevant Memories And Gets Rid Of The Junk

Study: Sleep Strengthens The Most Relevant Memories And Gets Rid Of The Junk    

Studies on mice have revealed that the sleep process helps to keep our most important memories, while it gets rid of less relevant details. If this process does not happen, the memories get fuzzy. Even though more research is required to determine the exact mechanism, it confirms the importance of a good night’s sleep. Click here for more information.


Try This If Unable To Sleep In Hot Weather

Try This If Unable To Sleep In Hot Weather    

It Involves Cooling The Body’s Pressure Points With Ice    

There are times in which falling asleep is very difficult due to high temperature. One way is to turn the air conditioner on. But if this is not possible, there is a simple trick which involves cooling the pressure points in the body. There are points that will transmit the sensation of coolness to the rest of the body and are located in the wrists, neck, and feet. The idea is to apply ice cubes inside a cloth or plastic bag to these pressure points. Another idea is dipping the feet in a bucket of cold water. Additionally, cooling the neck and head can lower the body temperature. This can be done by putting the pillow or bedding inside the refrigerator or freezer for 10 minutes. Additional information click here.


Sleepy From Staying Awake All Night? These Tips Will Help You Staying Alert

Sleepy From Staying Awake All Night? These Tips Will Help You Staying Alert    

After a night of poor sleeping due to insomnia, it is sometimes difficult to stay alert the next day. One way to deal with it is by having a healthy breakfast, rich in protein, which will help to stay awake in the morning and energized all day. Also sitting straight increases the energy levels. Limiting caffeine will improve productivity. More Information click here.


Study: People Who Can’t Sleep Drink More Soda

Study: People Who Can’t Sleep Drink More Soda    

According to a recent study, people who can’t sleep drink more soda and energy drinks. This might be because people with poor sleep turn to sugary drinks to stay alert, or, on the other hand, sugary and caffeinated drinks result in people sleeping less. However, cutting down the intake of sugary beverages can break this cycle. Click here for more info.


Get Rid Of Insomnia By Getting Out Of Bedroom

Get Rid Of Insomnia By Getting Out Of Bedroom    

The Brain Created A Negative Association Of The Bed With The Inability To Sleep    

If you are having difficulty to sleep and don’t want to take sleeping pills, you can try other ways, such as leaving your bedroom – this way, the brain does not associate the bed with the inability to sleep. Also, wearing your body out, even with a short walk, will help to sleep and, at the same time, getting rid of stress. Another technique is progressive muscle relaxation, in which you “imagine” the muscles of your body being relaxed in sequence. Check all the advice for insomnia. Click here for more details.


Study: Symptoms Of Depression Reduced By Staying In Bed A Little Longer

Study: Symptoms Of Depression Reduced By Staying In Bed A Little Longer    

Depression is related to insomnia. According to studies, most people with depression also have depression. And having insomnia increases the risk by 10 of being depressed. However, a recent research has found that two extra hours in bed improve the symptoms of depression. Click here for more info.


People Who Stay Late At Night Have A Higher Risk Of An Early Death

People Who Stay Late At Night Have A Higher Risk Of An Early Death    

The Risk Is 10% Higher Than Those Who Wake Up Early    

Lack of sleep can be divided into people who stay late at night or people who wake up very early and can’t get to sleep. Researchers have found that night owls - those who stay late – have a risk of dying 10% sooner than larks, those who wake early, even adjusting for health issues like diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, and heart conditions. The cause can the struggle of the night owls to adjust to a normal work schedule of 9 to 5. However, it is possible to have control over being an owl or lark by exposure to natural light in the morning. Click here for more details.


Poor Sleeping Can Affect Your Job Performance

Poor Sleeping Can Affect Your Job Performance    

Job burnout reflects in loss of motivation, personal accomplishment, and poor attitude towards work. This can happen when there are excess demands or inadequate jobs, among others. On the other hand, the body and mind must renew itself and prepare for the next day via a restful night. Poor sleeping will increase the risk of job burnout. More info click here.


One Of The Main Causes Of Car Accidents And Deaths Is Sleep Deficiency

One Of The Main Causes Of Car Accidents And Deaths Is Sleep Deficiency    

The Driver Has Low Reaction Time And Pays Less Attention To The Road    

According to a recent study, sleep deficiency is one of the main causes of vehicle accidents and deaths. Lack of sleep increases the risk of a vehicle crash in 33 percent. A sleepy driver pays less attention, has a lower reaction time, and will probably make poor decisions. Considering the number of people with poor sleeping, there are many drivers under the effect of sleep deficiency, risking their lives and others. The most critical part is that many of these drivers are unaware of their lack of sleep and don’t consider that they are at risk. Caffeine might be seen as a solution to prevent the effects of lack of sleep while driving, but the effects only last a short time. Also if the driver takes medications that include sleepiness as a side effect, it is better to take public transportation. Click here for more information.


Unusual Ways To Get Rid Of Insomnia – Backed By Science

Unusual Ways To Get Rid Of Insomnia – Backed By Science    

People with insomnia seek many treatments. Usually, they are sleeping pills, but there are also natural ways to get sleep. For example, sleeping naked will lower the body temperature and sleep faster. Also meditating in bed also helps, which relaxes the whole body. Another trick is eating a tuna or salmon sandwich. These fish have B6, which is needed pro produce melatonin and help with sleep. Check all the techniques. Additional details click here.


Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System

Digestive Issues Can Show As Poor Sleeping, Low Mood, And A Reduced Immune System    

Gut Bacteria Affects Other Parts Of The Body Besides The Digestive System    

The digestive system interacts with the rest of the body. Some of the symptoms of a digestive problem might appear in different parts of the body. While the most evident are heartburn and bloating, a low mood and depression can be related to digestive issues. It also makes us prefer fast food over healthy meals. This is due to certain bacteria affect the production of serotonin. Another symptom is a reduced immune system, leading to frequent colds and viruses, and hay fever. Poor sleeping is also related, due to protein-rich food increases the production of melatonin, a necessary hormone for a good sleep. More Information click here.


Facts And Myths About Sleep And Sleep Disorders

Facts And Myths About Sleep And Sleep Disorders    

There are sleep facts that are just myths. For example, everybody needs 8 hours of sleep – the truth is that each person has an individual sleep need. Also, you can recover on the weekend all the lost sleep during weekdays – this disrupts the sleep cycle and can contribute to insomnia. Check all the myths. Click here for more details.


Older People Sleep Less As Part Of An Evolutionary Trait

Older People Sleep Less As Part Of An Evolutionary Trait    

In Family Groups, It Permitted At Least One Person Being Awake Or Sleeping Lightly    

One characteristic of old age is fewer sleep hours. A study has shown this is an evolutionary survival trait from our ancestors. When family members slept together, this trait sets differences in sleeping patterns, in order that one member is asleep at all times, or at least sleeping very lightly. Therefore, there is no problem with older people who wake very early and cannot get back to sleep. Additional information click here.


Total Darkness Will Provide A Quality Sleep

Total Darkness Will Provide A Quality Sleep    

Total darkness at bedtime boosts the production of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep. This hormone also prevents some strains of cancer and helps with irregular menstrual cycle. It also allows maintaining an emotional health and prevents depression. Therefore, the quality of sleep is as important as the number of sleep hours. More Information click here.


A Rare Syndrome Causes Sleepiness For A Month, Like Sleeping Beauty

A Rare Syndrome Causes Sleepiness For A Month, Like Sleeping Beauty    

There is an incredibly rare syndrome, in which a person can feel the need to sleep for months, waking up only to eat and use the restroom. When waking up the person has an altered behavior, feeling irritable or excessive food cravings. More details click here.


Side Effects Of High Blood Pressure Medicines Include Headaches And Sleep Disturbance

Side Effects Of High Blood Pressure Medicines Include Headaches And Sleep Disturbance    

Also, Erectile Dysfunction, Depression, And Dizziness    

High blood pressure medication may cause side effects such as headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbance, and even erectile dysfunction. The most usual prescriptions for people under 55 are ACE inhibitors or ARB, which is angiotensin-2 receptor blocker. Older patients are usually prescribed calcium channel blockers, which may cause headaches. If ACE inhibitors are not resulting, patients are prescribed ARB, which may cause dizziness and headaches. Beta blockers are prescribed when none of the other medication. The side effects may include sleep disturbance, depression, and erectile dysfunction. More Information click here.


Exposure To Certain Sounds Can Affect The Human Body

Exposure To Certain Sounds Can Affect The Human Body    

Effects Are Tinnitus, Fatigue, Heart Palpitations, And Headaches    

The possibility of a health condition being caused by sound has been reviewed in the case of US diplomats in Cuba and China. High volume can cause stress, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and even hypertension. However, there are sounds that can be outside the human audible range, which is from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Sounds over 20,000 Hz. Are called ultrasound and can be heard by dogs and bats. They are used also by doctors for ultrasound imaging. However, the emitting device must be pressed against the subject and is not effective at a certain range. Infrasound is below 20Hz. and has different effects. It is caused by things like earthquakes, lightning, ocean waves, and even some animals like elephants, whales, rhinos, hippos, among others, which use it to communicate with each other. Some effects on humans are headaches, dizziness, annoyance, fatigue, tinnitus, and heart palpitations. There can be also exposure to infrasound at a high volume, such when being in a ship’s engine room, or near a wind turbine. Additional info click here.


Study Related PTSD To Sleep Disorder In Veterans

Study Related PTSD To Sleep Disorder In Veterans    

A research has shown a relation between nightmares and a higher risk of suicides. This risk was present even after other factors had been controlled, such as depression, PTSD and anxiety. However, few specialists ask about nightmares. Treating nightmares can be as beneficial for the patient as treating other mental issues. Click here for more information.


Check This Advice If You Have Trouble Sleeping On A Plane

Check This Advice If You Have Trouble Sleeping On A Plane    

Some travelers have many problems sleeping on a plane. A natural solution is valerian root capsules. Another solution is melatonin, which is the substance the body produces when the circadian clock says it time to sleep, or decaffeinated tea of chamomile or lemon balm, which have calming effects. Also, there are sleeping masks with light lamps and earphones. More details click here.


Sleep Paralysis And Dream-Like Hallucinations Are Linked To Symptoms Of Depression

Sleep Paralysis And Dream-Like Hallucinations Are Linked To Symptoms Of Depression    

These Are More Common In Younger Adults    

According to a study, sleep paralysis and dream-like hallucinations are related to symptoms of depression, can be a sign of more serious sleep problems, and are more common in younger adults. These are called hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations, which are dream-like experiences that happen while falling asleep or waking up, and can be very upsetting to those who experience them. These were reported by 24% of the sample, and sleep paralysis, by18 percent of the sample. Depression is also related to these conditions In the case of student athletes, they often have problems to find time to rest due to their schedules, which leads to shorter sleep duration and poor sleep quality, and contributing to disordered sleep. More info click here.


Green Tea Is A Healthy Drink, But Taking In Excess Is Not So Healthy

Green Tea Is A Healthy Drink, But Taking In Excess Is Not So Healthy    

It Can Cause Liver Damage, Dehydration, Headaches, And Sleep Disorders    

Green tea is considered one of the healthiest drinks, due to its antioxidants. However, excessive intake of antioxidants, as in the case of green tea supplements, can result in liver damage. While green tea brews have 90 to 300 mg of antioxidants, its supplements have from 500 to 1000 mg. According to researchers, more than 800 mg of antioxidants might damage the liver. Therefore the message is that green tea is healthy, while it is not ingested in large quantities. Other consequences of green tea overdose are acid reflux and acidity, due to its caffeine content, dehydration, because the tea acts as a natural diuretic, mineral deficiency, and also caffeine, leading to headaches and sleep disorders. More details click here.


These Poor Sleeping Habits Will Affect Your Skin

These Poor Sleeping Habits Will Affect Your Skin    

Sleeping restores the body for the next day. However, there are poor habits that could be damaging your skin and lead to interrupted sleeping. One of them is not cleaning the bedsheets, which contain the dirt and residue of your skin. Also, sleeping in a hot room will cause excess sweating, while a cold room can dry up the skin. Both of these will result in waking up through the night to cool down or search for a blanket. Additional information click here.


A Daily Nap Can Improve Creativity And Help Recover Lost Sleep

A Daily Nap Can Improve Creativity And Help Recover Lost Sleep    

Just Keep It Below 30 Minutes    

A daily nap after lunch has many health benefits and will help recover the body. However, if it must take 20 and no more than 30 minutes of the body will feel more tired. It lowers blood pressure and allows the recovery of the cardiovascular system. A study revealed the three naps per week reduced the risk failure by 30%. It also boosts creativity by improving the attention, memory, and problem-solving. Also, in case you have lost sleep the previous night, it allows to recover it – just keep it below one hour. Check all the benefits of a good nap. More Information click here.


Study: Insomnia Sufferers More Predisposed To Heart Attack And Strokes

Study: Insomnia Sufferers More Predisposed To Heart Attack And Strokes    

A study has found a link between insomnia and a heart attack or stroke. Insomniacs have a 27% higher risk of heart attack because the body does not get restored for the next day. It also affects the immune system and alters metabolism. In the case of women, the risk increases, due to the fact that they are genetically predisposed to insomnia due to hormonal issues. Click here for more information.


This Pillow-Shaped Robot Will Provide A Tailored Treatment For Sleep Disorders

This Pillow-Shaped Robot Will Provide A Tailored Treatment For Sleep Disorders    

There is a new treatment for insomnia. It is a pillow-shaped robot that gathers information from the sleep process, determining if you are awake or in a deep sleep state. It detects the sleep pattern and uses it to provide tailored treatment, simulating breathing and inducing the body to sleep. Additional details click here.


Poor Sleeping Can Affect Your Job Performance

Poor Sleeping Can Affect Your Job Performance    

Job burnout reflects in loss of motivation, personal accomplishment, and poor attitude towards work. This can happen when there are excess demands or inadequate jobs, among others. On the other hand, the body and mind must renew itself and prepare for the next day via a restful night. Poor sleeping will increase the risk of job burnout. More info click here.


Trained Medical Dogs Can Detect Several Health Conditions Before They Take Place

Trained Medical Dogs Can Detect Several Health Conditions Before They Take Place    

Among Them Are Migraine, Cardiovascular Problems, And Narcolepsy And Extreme Sleep Disorders    

Dogs can be very sensitive, not only for their sense of smell to detect drugs or to detect people after an earthquake or a disaster but also as service animals for disabled people, such as guide dogs. Their sense of smell is so strong and precise, that they also can detect if a person has a medical condition. Trained medical dogs can detect cardiovascular problems, drops in blood pressure and even strokes. They can also detect if a migraine is coming. There have been cases in which migraine sufferers have seen a change in behavior prior to an attack. Extreme sleepiness or narcolepsy can also be detected by dogs. These are sudden attacks of sleep which can also include loss of muscle control. There are service support dogs for patients with these conditions that can provide then a warning before an episode. Learn about all the medical conditions that can be detected by trained medical dogs. More details click here.


Gut Bacteria Affects Sleep Quality

Gut Bacteria Affects Sleep Quality    

It Is Also Related To The Mood And The Effectivity Of The Immune System    

But bacteria are “good” microorganisms that live in the intestine, helping the digestive process. Studies have related these with the mood. Recent research has also related it to a good night’s sleep. Poor sleep affects the bacteria, causing an imbalance, which will result in insomnia – therefore, both help each other. Bacteria release rest-inducing hormones, like melatonin and also manage the production of serotonin. Also, the bacterial imbalance can result in a poor immune system. There are ways to restore bacterial health, such as probiotic supplements – which contain bacteria - and also diet. There is also prebiotics, which helps bacterial growth. More Information click here.


Suffering From Insomnia? Try Listening To Music Before Bed

Suffering From Insomnia? Try Listening To Music Before Bed    

One of the ways to beat insomnia is listening to music before going to bed. Sleeping is composed of cycles, in which the most important is the REM cycle when the person dreams and restores the mind and body for the next day. A research has shown that listening to music can increase the duration of the REM cycle. Additional info click here.


Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia

Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia    

Acupressure is a natural way of healing. Pressing the correct point with your fingers can provide almost instant relief. There are points for back pain, for stress and anxiety, for insomnia, and for migraine and headache, among others. Check the list. Click here for more information.


Is Tech The Cure For Insomnia, Or Is It Just A Fad?

Is Tech The Cure For Insomnia, Or Is It Just A Fad?    

Insomnia is a result of modern life. People go to bed stressed and worrying about the next day, or they are checking their portable screens, which does not allow their brains to rest. So thy turn to sleep monitors and trackers hoping to take control of their sleep, but in many cases, these sleep monitors are not backed up by solid research. Other devices allow monitoring the brainwaves, checking the sleep cycles. Additional details click here.


Different Sleeping Pills Address Different Sleep Issues

Different Sleeping Pills Address Different Sleep Issues    

There are different types of sleeping pills, and not all have the same uses. Sure, all are prescribed for sleep disorders, but there are differences. Some are for people who only have trouble falling asleep, while others are for people who have trouble staying asleep. Even other drugs can be used in either case. This is because drugs have a short effect in the body, while others last longer. More info click here.


These Unusual Tips Will Help Induce Sleeping

These Unusual Tips Will Help Induce Sleeping    

There are unusual tips that will work for dealing with insomnia when counting sheep does not work. One of them is doing the opposite and trying to stay awake – the brain does not process negatives well and thinks it is an instruction to sleep. Other that may seem the opposite is wearing socks to bed since it is recommended a cool temperature to induce sleep. The body shifts the blood flow to the extremities, which cools down the body and instructs the brain to go to sleep. Check all the tips. Additional information click here.


Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person

Insomnia And Sleep Apnea Frequently Occur In The Same Person    

Insomnia is the difficulty in sleeping at night, while sleep apnea is the interruption of breathing during sleep. These are the most common sleep disorders, and a study has found that these disorders frequently occur in the same person, calling it Complex Insomnia. Patients have a poor quality of life due to daytime sleepiness, fatigue, difficulty to focus and concentrate and irritability. Click here for more info.


Getting Asleep If You Have Insomnia

Getting Asleep If You Have Insomnia    

Avoid Watching Any Screen – It Will Stimulate Your Brain    

Insomnia is usually related t the difficulty of getting asleep. Some people sleep easily – the problem arises when they wake up in the middle of the night and are unable to sleep again. In these both cases, they tend to read tweets, check Netflix, or anything on the screen. This will stimulate the brain, and the screen only worsens things because its light interferes with the production of melatonin. One solution is to get out of bed and bedroom if you are not asleep after 20 minutes. Do something in the dark or under dim light and if you don’t get sleepy, repeat it again. Another way is avoiding any activity that stimulates the brain as watching any screen. Om the other side, reading under dim light, doing yoga or meditating will help Check all the other activities that promote sleep and what activities to avoid. Additional info click here.


Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia

Acupressure Can Quickly Relieve Back Pain, Headache, Stress, And Insomnia    

Acupressure is a natural way of healing. Pressing the correct point with your fingers can provide almost instant relief. There are points for back pain, for stress and anxiety, for insomnia, and for migraine and headache, among others. Check the list. Click here for more information.


Changing The Way Your Sleep Can Help Lower The Blood Pressure

Changing The Way Your Sleep Can Help Lower The Blood Pressure    

It Consists Of Dividing The 8-Hour Sleep Between Several Rest Periods    

Changing the way you sleep can have a significant impact on high blood pressure. Most people are worried about getting the 8 hours of sleep every night. One of the causes is because they are aware of the consequences of sleep deprivation. According to specialists, these eight hours can be divided into shorter periods, taking naps at midday and early evening. This is known as a polyphasic approach. It includes napping for 20 minutes, which helps forget the worries and also restores the body, lowering the blood pressure. Additional information click here.


Insomnia May Have A Genetic Cause

Insomnia May Have A Genetic Cause    

A recent study showed that genes can be related to conditions such as insomnia, and even be responsible for neuropsychiatric disease such as schizophrenia. These genes were also linked to depression, insulin resistance, and restless leg syndrome. Click here for more information.


Facts And Myths About Sleep And Sleep Disorders

Facts And Myths About Sleep And Sleep Disorders    

There are sleep facts that are just myths. For example, everybody needs 8 hours of sleep – the truth is that each person has an individual sleep need. Also, you can recover on the weekend all the lost sleep during weekdays – this disrupts the sleep cycle and can contribute to insomnia. Check all the myths. Click here for more details.


Craniosacral Therapy For Tinnitus Treatment

Craniosacral Therapy For Tinnitus Treatment    

It Can Also Be Used To Treat Anxiety, Insomnia, Headaches, And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome    

There are professional activities that have greater exposure to loud noises, such as musicians, and DJ. This is how one of them dealt with this condition. In noise-induced hearing loss, the hair cells in the cochlea become damaged, the sensory information sensory sent to the brain is incomplete. Therefore, the ear tries to find the missing information – analogous to a phantom limb – which results in the communication of a ringing sensation back to the brain. This worsens when there is chronic stress, which prepares the body for a dangerous situation. Among the effects is a hypersensitivity of the nervous system, in which the brain amplifies the nervous impulses that come through the senses, including the tinnitus noise. Craniosacral therapy looks for any tensions, imbalances, restrictions or disturbances, calming the central nervous system, which is directly linked to the cranial nerves of the ears and reducing the chronic stress, resulting in the decrease of tinnitus symptoms. It can be used also to treat anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome, among others. More Information click here.


Older People Sleep Less As Part Of An Evolutionary Trait

Older People Sleep Less As Part Of An Evolutionary Trait    

In Family Groups, It Permitted At Least One Person Being Awake Or Sleeping Lightly    

One characteristic of old age is fewer sleep hours. A study has shown this is an evolutionary survival trait from our ancestors. When family members slept together, this trait sets differences in sleeping patterns, in order that one member is asleep at all times, or at least sleeping very lightly. Therefore, there is no problem with older people who wake very early and cannot get back to sleep. Additional information click here.


Try This If Unable To Sleep In Hot Weather

Try This If Unable To Sleep In Hot Weather    

It Involves Cooling The Body’s Pressure Points With Ice    

There are times in which falling asleep is very difficult due to high temperature. One way is to turn the air conditioner on. But if this is not possible, there is a simple trick which involves cooling the pressure points in the body. There are points that will transmit the sensation of coolness to the rest of the body and are located in the wrists, neck, and feet. The idea is to apply ice cubes inside a cloth or plastic bag to these pressure points. Another idea is dipping the feet in a bucket of cold water. Additionally, cooling the neck and head can lower the body temperature. This can be done by putting the pillow or bedding inside the refrigerator or freezer for 10 minutes. Additional information click here.


Try This Advice Will Help To Avoid Insomnia The Natural Way

Try This Advice Will Help To Avoid Insomnia The Natural Way    

These Foods Will Help Falling Sleep Without Requiring Sleeping Pills    

The body requires seven to nine hours every night to function properly. In the case of insomnia, people usually turn to sleep pills. However, there are natural methods to fall asleep. Late night meals are not recommended, because they can lead to digestive issues, or keep the mind active when they must be resting. On the other hand, there are some foods that can help sleeping better. Among them are carbohydrates such as whole grain oats, brown rice, corn, and quinoa, which contain tryptophan and serotonin, two sleep-inducing substances. Calcium is also important because it helps the brain cells using the tryptophan to create melatonin, a substance that tells the body that it is time to go to bed. Magnesium is also relevant because it is a calming nutrient and will help with deeper sleep. According to specialists, a hot bath before going to bed will also help to fall asleep quickly. More details click here.


Low Serotonin Can Be The Cause Of Sleep Disorders, Migraine, And Anxiety

Low Serotonin Can Be The Cause Of Sleep Disorders, Migraine, And Anxiety    

It Can Be Treated Naturally With A Diet Rich In Tryptophan    

Serotonin is a brain chemical that regulates sleep, mood, appetite, and memory. Some people might have low serotonin levels as a result of vitamin B6 deficiency, or certain amino acids. Symptoms include migraines, sleep disorders, depression, and anxiety, among others. It can be treated with diets rich in tryptophan, seafood, sunlight, and exercise, to name a few. For quicker results, there are treatments based on drugs called SSRIs. Additional details click here.


Snoring Sounds Causes Negative Health Effects On The Snorer’s Partners

Snoring Sounds Causes Negative Health Effects On The Snorer’s Partners    

Studies Have Shown That It Results In A Higher Blood Pressure    

Snoring affects the snorer and his partner. The snorer suffers from lower brain oxygenation, has a higher cardiovascular risk, and other serious health issues. The snorer’s partner will also have continuous sleep interruptions because of the noise, and the consequences of sleep deprivation. However, a study has shown that there might be even worse consequences for the snorer’s partner, leading to an increase on blood pressure and other health conditions related to it, such as an increase of risk for stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease, among others. The study also included persons that are exposed to airport noises, which also interrupted their sleep. Click here for more information.