Friday, July 31, 2020

The Brain Might Show Conscious Activity While We Sleep

The Brain Might Show Conscious Activity While We Sleep    

This Is Called “Sleep Misperception”, And Is One Of The Causes Or Poor Sleeping    

Some people do not feel that have slept, even if you see them deeply sleeping. Specialists call this conditions “sleep misperception”. We usually understand sleep as a condition in which a person is asleep or is not asleep. And being asleep is associated with being unconscious. However, researchers have found out the brain might be in an asleep pattern, but it is consciously aware. A series of tests on persons, while they sleep, revealed that people with insomnia reported being awake, even when their brain showed sleep patterns. Also, these persons, during the REM sleep phase, had activity in the brain areas associated with conscious awareness. The explanation might be that the brain experiences an inhibitory process to reduce consciousness and that these brain areas had not gone through such process. More info click here.


This Procedure Can Reset Circadian Rhythm, Ending Jet Lag

This Procedure Can Reset Circadian Rhythm, Ending Jet Lag    

Jet lag is the result of an alteration of the circadian clock. The body is used to sleep at certain times, and it has to learn to sleep at different times, affecting productivity. However, a study has shown that reducing 3% of the oxygen in the blood can resynchronize the circadian rhythm, ending jet lag. Additional details click here.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Study Shows A Link Between Insomnia And Alzheimer’s

Study Shows A Link Between Insomnia And Alzheimer’s    

Lack Of Sleep Could Prevent The Brain From Cleaning Certain Toxins    

A study showed that insomnia may be linked to Alzheimer’s in older adults. They found a correlation between sleeping difficulty and the presence of indicators of Alzheimer’s. Even though the cause that links them is not clear, other studies have found that lack of sleep prevents the brain to clear several toxins related to early dementia. Additional info click here.


Meditation Will Help You With A Better Sleep – Here Is How

Meditation Will Help You With A Better Sleep – Here Is How    

Some nights it is very difficult to turn off and get some sleep. One way to control it is through meditation, which is also beneficial for lowing blood pressure and getting rid of anxiety. Meditation causes the brain to emit alpha waveforms, which are related to relaxation and it also lowers the heart rate. Is it difficult? Not at all. This guide will tell you how to begin. More info click here.


Check This New-Age Treatment For Anxiety And Insomnia

Check This New-Age Treatment For Anxiety And Insomnia    

This alternative treatment might help with anxiety, insomnia and period pain. It consists of stickers that vibrate at a specific frequency, which is the same one the body vibrates when it works best, according to the manufacturers. Even when there is no scientific basis, the manufacturer claim that it has treated their anxiety and insomnia. More Information click here.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Identifying The Symptoms Of Kidney Disease

Identifying The Symptoms Of Kidney Disease    

Among These Are Insomnia, High Blood Pressure, Fluid Retention, And Severe Back Pain    

Kidneys work as the body’s filters and remove impurities in the blood in order to prevent toxins from damaging the body. Healthy kidneys eliminate from 1 to 2 liters of urine every 24 hours. However kidneys may begin to malfunction, and unfortunately, it's symptoms are not always recognized, because these are few in the early stage. Among these are a lack of energy, weakness, reduced cognition, poor appetite, and insomnia. There are also other symptoms, such as high blood pressure, and fluid retention. The most obvious symptoms are blood in the urine, painful, dark and foul-smelling urination, and severe lower back pain. Click here for more info.


Sleeping Difficulty Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Anxiety, Pack Pain And Headaches, Among Others

Sleeping Difficulty Can Be Caused By Acid Reflux, Anxiety, Pack Pain And Headaches, Among Others    

It Can Lead To Complications Of The Immune System And Increase The Risk Of Cardiovascular Diseases    

Sleeping difficulty can have a negative effect on daily activities and health. Among its causes are excess meals before sleep, which can cause gastrointestinal issues, such as acid reflux and nausea, and mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, chronic stress, and other condition called restless leg syndrome, in which the patient has the urge to move the legs. Other causes are medical conditions, such as chronic pain and lower back pain, headaches and migraine, It can also be caused by sleep apnea, in which the upper airways are interrupted while sleeping, and a condition associated with insomnia called delayed sleep disorder, in which the patient does not sleep until late in the night. On the other hand, poor sleeping can lead to complications such as poor immune systems, high blood pressure, and a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. It can also cause changes in appetite and excess weight.


Lupus Fatigue Is Like Having Constant Insomnia And Feeling Tired All Day

Lupus Fatigue Is Like Having Constant Insomnia And Feeling Tired All Day    

It Is Like A Perpetual Jet Lag Sensation, That Never Syncs With The Destination Time Zone    

There are health conditions that are like having constant insomnia. Lupus fatigue is one of them. It is similar to jet-lag, in which you travel to another time zone and are unable to sleep at night, but feel sleepy all day, until the sleep cycle syncs with the new time zone. However, lupus fatigue is a constant jet lag, being unable to sleep at night, but feeling tired all day and taking frequent naps. Click here for more info.


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Breathing Function Can Be Improved By Nerve Reconstruction Surgery, Reducing Insomnia

Breathing Function Can Be Improved By Nerve Reconstruction Surgery, Reducing Insomnia    

One of the causes of breathing difficulty can be an injury in the phrenic nerve, which is responsible for voluntary and involuntary breathing. This can lead to interruptions during sleep, resulting in insomnia. Surgical reconstruction of this nerve can improve significantly the breathing function and reduce insomnia. Click here for more information.


Suffering From Insomnia? Try Listening To Music Before Bed

Suffering From Insomnia? Try Listening To Music Before Bed    

One of the ways to beat insomnia is listening to music before going to bed. Sleeping is composed of cycles, in which the most important is the REM cycle when the person dreams and restores the mind and body for the next day. A research has shown that listening to music can increase the duration of the REM cycle. Additional info click here.


Don’t Worry About Insomnia And It Will Go Away

Don’t Worry About Insomnia And It Will Go Away    

There are people who just good sleepers. They put their head on the pillow and go to sleep. On the other side, insomniacs will have a large to-do list with what foods to avoid, relaxation, autohypnosis, and they will still be unable to sleep. That happens is that the effort to control and get rid of insomnia what causes it. So what to do about it? Additional info click here.


Monday, July 27, 2020

Beliefs And Thoughts Related To Chronic Pain Can Result In Poor Sleep

Beliefs And Thoughts Related To Chronic Pain Can Result In Poor Sleep    

Individual attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts can be related to the duration and severity of chronic pain which can initiate pain-related insomnia. Therefore, thoughts focused on pain can be related to poorer sleep quality. More details click here.


A Late Workout Will Cause Dehydration And Put The Body In A State Of Alert

A Late Workout Will Cause Dehydration And Put The Body In A State Of Alert    

This Will Result In Poor Sleeping – Learn How To Prevent It    

A late workout can be an invitation to insomnia. After a workout, the body is dehydrated, resulting in an increased heart rate and a higher body temperature, which prevents sleeping. Also, the secretion of hormone cortisol puts the body in a state of alert. This can be prevented if the workout is finished at least three hours before going to sleep. Also, prevent dehydration by drinking water during the workout. However, it is important to have a good sleep after working out, because it rebuilds the nervous system and also regenerates the muscles. Sleep also oxygenates the muscles and nurtures them. More Information click here.


Frequent Wake-Ups At Night Can Be Caused By The Neuronal Noise

Frequent Wake-Ups At Night Can Be Caused By The Neuronal Noise    

It Is The Voltage In Neurons And Increases In Cold Temperature    

Most people wake up a dozen times at night but do not remember it. The cause is the neuronal noise, which are random fluctuations in the voltage of the neurons, which can increase to the point of causing to wake up. One of the factors that affect this neuronal noise is the temperature. A high temperature lowers the neuronal noise, and also the frequency of these wake-ups. Lower temperatures have the opposite effect, increasing the frequency of wake-ups, and even preventing to sleep again. This is important for babies with impaired breathing, which, when placed in hot rooms, do not have the neuronal noise to wake up, increasing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Additional details click here.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Reading A Book Before Bedtime Will Help To Fall Asleep

Reading A Book Before Bedtime Will Help To Fall Asleep    

It Is Relaxing And Destresses The Mind, Preparing It For Sleep    

Reading at bed is one of the most better ways to get sleepy. The cause is that it is a relaxing activity, it destresses the mind, and is enjoyable. It prepares the body to sleep, unwinding the mind from stressful, thoughts. It is better to choose normal paper books, because the blue light on digital screens affects the production of melatonin, preventing sleep. Reading before getting asleep also creates a buffer zone after stressful activities, such as finishing a report or cooling down from a workout. However, if the reading is very interesting or stressing and cannot be let down until it is finished, it won’t induce sleep. In this case, it is better to read in a sitting position, or in a room that is not too warm to avoid falling asleep. Additional information click here.


Friday, July 24, 2020

Frequent Wake-Ups At Night Can Be Caused By The Neuronal Noise

Frequent Wake-Ups At Night Can Be Caused By The Neuronal Noise    

It Is The Voltage In Neurons And Increases In Cold Temperature    

Most people wake up a dozen times at night but do not remember it. The cause is the neuronal noise, which are random fluctuations in the voltage of the neurons, which can increase to the point of causing to wake up. One of the factors that affect this neuronal noise is the temperature. A high temperature lowers the neuronal noise, and also the frequency of these wake-ups. Lower temperatures have the opposite effect, increasing the frequency of wake-ups, and even preventing to sleep again. This is important for babies with impaired breathing, which, when placed in hot rooms, do not have the neuronal noise to wake up, increasing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Additional details click here.


Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality

Smartphone Use Before Bedtime Related To Poor Sleep Quality    

A recent research suggests that the light from a smartphone, near bedtime, affects the quality of sleep. More time spent watching the phone results in poorer sleep. Also, several studies have shown that the blue light from electronic devices can overstimulate the brain affecting sleep. Additional info click here.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Enjoy A Good  Night's Sleep Better With This Scientifically-Backed Advice

Enjoy A Good  Night's Sleep Better With This Scientifically-Backed Advice    

There are scientific tips that will allow a better sleep. For example, reduce the clutter in the house because it is a source of anxiety. Also, block sounds and light and take naps to avoid sleep deprivation. Food is also important - taking more fiber will help with sleep, while saturated carbs and fats will promote insomnia. More details click here.


These Natural Tips Will Help Improve Your Sleep

These Natural Tips Will Help Improve Your Sleep    

There are natural ways to improve sleep while avoiding the side effects of sleeping pills. One of these is eating a night snack rich in tryptophan, such as for as turkey, yogurt, eggs or nuts. Tryptophan is part of melatonin, the hormone which induces sleep. Other ways are drinking valerian tea and mindfulness meditation. Check the complete list. More here, Click here for more information.


Disrupting The Sleep-Wake Cycle On Weekends Can Lead To A Sleep Dysfunction

Disrupting The Sleep-Wake Cycle On Weekends Can Lead To A Sleep Dysfunction    

It Is Called Social Jet Lag And Occurs When The Sleep Cycle On Weekdays And Weekends Are Different    

There is a phenomenon that is causing sleep disorders on weekends. From Monday to Friday, people are used to waking up and go to sleep at a certain hour. However, on weekends, they go to sleep late and wake up late, which is causing a change in the body’s internal clock. This is called social jet lag and can cause a sleep dysfunction, leading to insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders, which affect the body’s internal clock that tells us at what time we get to sleep and when to wake. This gets worse when people have the habit of sleeping 6 hours or less on weekdays, and continue with sleep deprivation during weekends. Additional information click here.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Suffering From Insomnia? Try Listening To Music Before Bed

Suffering From Insomnia? Try Listening To Music Before Bed    

One of the ways to beat insomnia is listening to music before going to bed. Sleeping is composed of cycles, in which the most important is the REM cycle when the person dreams and restores the mind and body for the next day. A research has shown that listening to music can increase the duration of the REM cycle. Additional info click here.


Try This Advice Will Help To Avoid Insomnia The Natural Way

Try This Advice Will Help To Avoid Insomnia The Natural Way    

These Foods Will Help Falling Sleep Without Requiring Sleeping Pills    

The body requires seven to nine hours every night to function properly. In the case of insomnia, people usually turn to sleep pills. However, there are natural methods to fall asleep. Late night meals are not recommended, because they can lead to digestive issues, or keep the mind active when they must be resting. On the other hand, there are some foods that can help sleeping better. Among them are carbohydrates such as whole grain oats, brown rice, corn, and quinoa, which contain tryptophan and serotonin, two sleep-inducing substances. Calcium is also important because it helps the brain cells using the tryptophan to create melatonin, a substance that tells the body that it is time to go to bed. Magnesium is also relevant because it is a calming nutrient and will help with deeper sleep. According to specialists, a hot bath before going to bed will also help to fall asleep quickly. More details click here.


Hypnosis Can Help Insomnia Treatments

Hypnosis Can Help Insomnia Treatments    

Many people see hypnosis as an entertainment, but the truth is that it is a great treatment for certain conditions. One of them is insomnia, in which a research showed that insomnia patients that included hypnosis in their treatment had an 80% increase in their deep sleep. Check all the health conditions that can be treated by hypnosis. More details click here.


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated Naturally With Valerian

High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated Naturally With Valerian    

It Also Improves Sleep Quality And Helps With Panic Attacks And Excess Stress    

High blood pressure is usually treated with medication, diet, and lifestyle changes. However, there are also natural treatments that have proven to lower blood pressure. One of them is valerian, which has been used since medieval times to improve sleep quality, calm anxiety and reduce muscle tension. It combats the effects of stress by blocking certain enzymes in the brain, it increases the level of a substance called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), lowering the excess stimulation caused by overthinking in the presence of anxiety. It also lowers the blood pressure caused by excess stress and decreases sleep disturbance, panic attacks, and stress and anxiety. Additional details click here.


Getting Rid Of Migraine When Waking Up

Getting Rid Of Migraine When Waking Up    

The Key Is To Identify The Triggers Such As Hunger, Hormones, And Lack Of Sleep    

There are times when migraine sufferers wake up with a migraine. To control this, the idea is to determine what the triggers are. Migraine sufferers tend to have six triggers each, however, they are not all the same for each person. It also depends on the threshold, which is determined by genetics. For example, one glass of red wine before sleeping will activate a migraine, while half a glass won't. Also, migraine drugs work by increasing the threshold. To identify the triggers, the best idea is to keep a journal. Among the most common triggers are hunger, which lowers the blood sugar, hormones, and lack of sleep, which can be caused by frequent changes in shift times. Check all the migraine triggers. Click here for more information.


Why Are Some Adults Afraid Of The Dark?

Why Are Some Adults Afraid Of The Dark?    

Being afraid of the dark is not only for kids. Some people still have it when they grow old. This not because of the dark, but because of what the darkness means, leaving us vulnerable and exposed. Fortunately, there is a treatment for it. Additional info click here.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Excess Coffee Has Unpleasant Side Effects

Excess Coffee Has Unpleasant Side Effects    

People agree that a morning coffee is an energy booster. It reduces the risk of dementia in older adults, reduces the risks of cognitive impairments, and helps with weight loss, among others. However, taking too much coffee will have unpleasant side effects, such as restlessness, irritability, poor digestion, a fast heartbeat, and nervousness. So how much is enough coffee and how much is excess coffee? Additional details click here.


Sleep Paralysis Prevents Talking Or Moving When Waking Up

Sleep Paralysis Prevents Talking Or Moving When Waking Up    

The Most Common Cause Is Insomnia Or Sleep Deprivation    

Sleep paralysis is a condition in which the person is not able to talk or move after waking up. There are even cases in which this condition might occur before going to sleep. The sensation for one minute to several minutes. The most common cause is sleep deprivation or insomnia. In many cases, the muscles become paralyzed, but they return to normal after waking up, unless there is an episode of sleep paralysis. The treatment is similar to insomnia, in which sleep is induced in a dark environment and a comfortable mattress. In some cases, insomnia and sleep paralysis might require a specialized treatment, which uses drugs that will change the way the REM works. Click here for more details.


Disrupting The Sleep-Wake Cycle On Weekends Can Lead To A Sleep Dysfunction

Disrupting The Sleep-Wake Cycle On Weekends Can Lead To A Sleep Dysfunction    

It Is Called Social Jet Lag And Occurs When The Sleep Cycle On Weekdays And Weekends Are Different    

There is a phenomenon that is causing sleep disorders on weekends. From Monday to Friday, people are used to waking up and go to sleep at a certain hour. However, on weekends, they go to sleep late and wake up late, which is causing a change in the body’s internal clock. This is called social jet lag and can cause a sleep dysfunction, leading to insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders, which affect the body’s internal clock that tells us at what time we get to sleep and when to wake. This gets worse when people have the habit of sleeping 6 hours or less on weekdays, and continue with sleep deprivation during weekends. Additional information click here.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Excessive Coffee Ingestion Can Lead To A Caffeine Hangover

Excessive Coffee Ingestion Can Lead To A Caffeine Hangover    

Among The Symptoms Are Sleep Disorders, Headaches, Acid Reflux, Excess Anxiety, And Heart Palpitations    

Sometimes a deadline, final exams, or preparing a presentation can demand us working late for several nights. Most think about avoiding sleepiness with a good cup of coffee. And when one cup is not enough, the solution may be two or three more until the job is done. But what happens with the body when there is excessive caffeine ingestion? It can suffer from a caffeine hangover. People have different degrees of tolerance to alcohol. The same happens with caffeine. One symptom is a strong headache, however, caffeine is included in many headache medications. Specialists believe that excess caffeine can increase the risk of headache due to medication overuse. Another symptom is insomnia, even after many hours of taking the last cup. This is because the metabolism slows down with age, delaying the absorption of caffeine. The heart also can suffer, with a fast rate or palpitations. Excess caffeine in the body can affect the gastrointestinal system, promoting acid secretion in the stomach, and relaxing the gastroesophageal valve, which causes the food matter to return to the esophagus and throat, causing heartburn. In the case of patients already suffering from heartburn, it worsens this condition. Too much coffee also causes excess anxiety by stimulating the release of the hormone cortisol, which sets the body in a fight-or-flight situation. More info click here.


Friday, July 17, 2020

Absolute Sleep Deprivation Can Lead Affect Cardiovascular Health

Absolute Sleep Deprivation Can Lead Affect Cardiovascular Health    

It Also Increases The Risk Of Diabetes And Can Have Consequences On Mental Health    

Sleep deprivation results in sleepiness, loss of attention and slow reaction times. This is caused by sleeping 6 hours or less every night. However, there are worse consequences if there is a complete lack of sleep for many nights. The body uses sleep time to repair itself, regulating pH in a process called homeostasis, lack of sleep is linked with higher blood pressure, heart failure, and atherosclerosis, which is excess cholesterol in the arteries. Also, after one sleepless night, people prefer eating high-calorie and high-carb foods, increasing the risk of obesity. It also rises blood sugar levels because poor sleeping lowers insulin sensitivity, leading to a higher risk of diabetes type 2. There are mental consequences also – a study revealed that sleep-deprived people formed more memories of negative events than on positive events. Check all the health problems that absolute sleep deprivation can cause. Additional info click here.


Excess Coffee Has Unpleasant Side Effects

Excess Coffee Has Unpleasant Side Effects    

People agree that a morning coffee is an energy booster. It reduces the risk of dementia in older adults, reduces the risks of cognitive impairments, and helps with weight loss, among others. However, taking too much coffee will have unpleasant side effects, such as restlessness, irritability, poor digestion, a fast heartbeat, and nervousness. So how much is enough coffee and how much is excess coffee? Additional details click here.


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Sleep Restriction Therapy Might Work For Your Insomnia

Sleep Restriction Therapy Might Work For Your Insomnia    

There is a technique called sleep Restriction Therapy, which can work as an alternative treatment for insomnia. It might be weird but works for some people. The objective is to define how many hours one sleeps with insomnia, and stay awake until these numbers of hours will be slept, gradually increasing the number of hours. Click here for more details.


Melatonin Must Not Be Confused With Sleeping Pills

Melatonin Must Not Be Confused With Sleeping Pills    

A Proper Dose Is Fundamental To Avoid Excessive Sleepiness And Dizziness On The Morning    

Melatonin is a natural hormone released by the pineal gland in the brain to regulate sleep. It can be obtained also as an OTC supplement, used for treating insomnia and jet lag, being safer than sleeping pills. Melatonin is released in higher doses when a person is in the dark to induce sleep, and the production is reduced when exposed to light. However, many people confuse it with sleeping pills and are not aware of how to use it. The objective is to help the body recover the body’s capacity to produce the hormone on its own. The correct dosing and duration of the treatment are fundamental. Side effects are excess sleepiness and dizziness, therefore, it is important to find the correct dose to avoid them. Patients do not know how much melatonin the body is producing, therefore, they don’t know what dose to take to cover the remaining amount. It is important to start slow, such as 1mg instead of 10mg, and observe the effects. If there are still sleep disorders, the dose must be increased. Starting with a higher dose might make very difficult to wake up the next day. Also, it takes 30 minutes to make an effect, so it must be taken half an hour before bedtime. Click here for more details.


There Is A New Disorder Related To People Who Rely On Their Fitness Trackers For A Perfect Sleep

There Is A New Disorder Related To People Who Rely On Their Fitness Trackers For A Perfect Sleep    

It Is Called Orthosomnia And May Induce Sleep-Related Anxiety Or Perfectionism.    

There is a new sleep disorder derived from the use of sleep trackers. It is called Orthosomnia, and it affects people who are obsessive about the results of their sleep and fitness trackers. They believe that they are not sleeping enough, and have periods of insomnia related to restless sleep. The problem is that they are reaching these conclusions relying exclusively on their tracker data, convincing themselves that they have a sleep disorder when it is not true. As a result, they believe that they are not getting a perfect night’s sleep. Therefore, they trust more the tracker’s data, than the sensation they have after sleeping, whether it is fatigue, caused by a poor night’s sleep, or feeling energized, as a result of a restful sleep. The conclusion is that tracker’s bay me inducing sleep-related anxiety or perfectionism. Additional info click here.


Sleep Deprivation Has Effects On How We Handle Our Emotions

Sleep Deprivation Has Effects On How We Handle Our Emotions    

It Increases Our Sense Of Danger And Makes Us Avoid Taking Risks    

Sometimes our daily jobs and responsibilities require working through the night (pulling an “all-nighter”) which results in sleep deprivation. While some might think that this is part of the job requirements, the truth is that it causes serious damage to the body and the brain. Among its side effects are negative emotions, heightened anxiety and being unable to differentiate threatening situations. Researchers found that sleep deprivation affected the amygdala, which increases negatives stimulus, generating an also escalates the fear response. In other words, sleep deprivation forces us to avoid potential losses and also avoid taking risks because it heightens the sense of fear. More info click here.


Bad Breath And Insomnia Can Lead To Coronary Heart Disease

Bad Breath And Insomnia Can Lead To Coronary Heart Disease    

Bacteria In Gum Disease And Inflammation Due To Poor Sleeping Can Increase The Risk Of Heart Attack    

Heart disease is usually related to poor lifestyle and a bad diet. However, there are other signs, such as bad breath and gum disease, along with insomnia due to work shifting. Gum disease allows the bacteria to enter the bloodstream, leading to a higher risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Also, shift work and insomnia prevents the body from healing and repairing, increasing the blood pressure and inflammation, leading to heart disease. Click here for more info.


Different Sleeping Pills Address Different Sleep Issues

Different Sleeping Pills Address Different Sleep Issues    

There are different types of sleeping pills, and not all have the same uses. Sure, all are prescribed for sleep disorders, but there are differences. Some are for people who only have trouble falling asleep, while others are for people who have trouble staying asleep. Even other drugs can be used in either case. This is because drugs have a short effect in the body, while others last longer. More info click here.


Hypnosis Can Help Insomnia Treatments

Hypnosis Can Help Insomnia Treatments    

Many people see hypnosis as an entertainment, but the truth is that it is a great treatment for certain conditions. One of them is insomnia, in which a research showed that insomnia patients that included hypnosis in their treatment had an 80% increase in their deep sleep. Check all the health conditions that can be treated by hypnosis. More details click here.


Pink Noise Can Improve Sleep Better Than White Noise And Also Improve Memory

Pink Noise Can Improve Sleep Better Than White Noise And Also Improve Memory    

There is a treatment to stimulate sleep based on white noise. This is the noise heard when the TV or the radio is on a non-transmitting channel and is a mix of different frequencies. Pink noise is similar but less intrusive, and it can even improve memory. It increases Slow Wave Activity (SWA) and can improve memory retention. Check how it sounds. Additional information click here.


Sleep Trackers Can Report Incorrect Results And Lead To Sleep Anxiety

Sleep Trackers Can Report Incorrect Results And Lead To Sleep Anxiety    

Sleep trackers are supposed to keep track of the sleep and help improve it. However, these devices also set up personalized goals to wake up energized, like a minimum number of hours to sleep. If these goals are not met, the sleep tracker will be a cause for anxiety instead of promoting sleep. In other cases, the tracker will report poor sleep even though the person effectively had a deep and restful night. More details click here.


Normal Elder People With Daytime Drowsiness Can Increase The Risk Of Alzheimer’S

Normal Elder People With Daytime Drowsiness Can Increase The Risk Of Alzheimer’S    

The Study May Help Identify The Symptoms Leading To Alzheimer’S Before It Appears    

Studies have shown that poor sleep is associated to the risk of dementia, but a recent research has also related daytime sleepiness with a condition that leads to Alzheimer’s in normal elder people with no signs of dementia. This condition is a buildup of a plaque in the brain called the amyloid. Sleep cleans brain toxins and prevents amyloid buildup. The study will help identify the symptoms that lead to Alzheimer’s before it appears. Additional details click here.


This Pillow-Shaped Robot Will Provide A Tailored Treatment For Sleep Disorders

This Pillow-Shaped Robot Will Provide A Tailored Treatment For Sleep Disorders    

There is a new treatment for insomnia. It is a pillow-shaped robot that gathers information from the sleep process, determining if you are awake or in a deep sleep state. It detects the sleep pattern and uses it to provide tailored treatment, simulating breathing and inducing the body to sleep. Additional details click here.


This Fruit Juice Will Help Induce Sleep In A Natural Way

This Fruit Juice Will Help Induce Sleep In A Natural Way    

A natural cure for insomnia can be drinking a glass of cherry juice every day. Cherries have high sugar content but are also rich in tryptophan, which promotes the secretion of melatonin the hormone that induces sleep in the body. More Information click here.


Reading A Book Before Bedtime Will Help To Fall Asleep

Reading A Book Before Bedtime Will Help To Fall Asleep    

It Is Relaxing And Destresses The Mind, Preparing It For Sleep    

Reading at bed is one of the most better ways to get sleepy. The cause is that it is a relaxing activity, it destresses the mind, and is enjoyable. It prepares the body to sleep, unwinding the mind from stressful, thoughts. It is better to choose normal paper books, because the blue light on digital screens affects the production of melatonin, preventing sleep. Reading before getting asleep also creates a buffer zone after stressful activities, such as finishing a report or cooling down from a workout. However, if the reading is very interesting or stressing and cannot be let down until it is finished, it won’t induce sleep. In this case, it is better to read in a sitting position, or in a room that is not too warm to avoid falling asleep. Additional information click here.


Paleo Advocates Insist On Sleeping On The Floor To Align Their Spines And Get A Better Sleep

Paleo Advocates Insist On Sleeping On The Floor To Align Their Spines And Get A Better Sleep    

Might Not Be A Good Idea - Check The Pros And Cons    

Paleo is considered a fad by many people, in which they take a diet similar to the one our caveman ancestors ate. However, some of them also insist that they get a better sleep if they sleep on the floor or on a thin mattress, such as yoga mat. According to paleo advocates, it corrects the posture, provides a deeper sleep, gets a better circulation, and get rid of muscular aches. However, according to specialists, for a good sleep, one has to be comfortable. Also, an aligned spine has a slight curve. These might not happen when sleeping on the floor. Click here for more details.


Get Rid Of These Habits To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Get Rid Of These Habits To Get A Good Night’s Sleep    

Artificial Light From Screens, Stress And Late Snacks Can Affect The Production Of Melatonin    

Lack of sleep can cause metabolic disorders, excess weight, and poor concentration and reaction time, which results in work and car accidents. There are certain things that affect the sleep, besides staying up late at night. One of them is artificial light produced by smartphones, TV’s tablets, and computer screens. These generate a blue light that affects the production of melatonin, the hormone that tells the body that it’s time to sleep. Another is eating before going to bed, which increases glucose level, activating stress hormones and also decreases the production of melatonin. Stress produces hormones that put the body in an alert state while affecting the production of melatonin. Check all the factors that prevent a good night’s sleep. Click here for more info.


These Apparently Harmless Conditions Can Be Fatal In Untreated

These Apparently Harmless Conditions Can Be Fatal In Untreated    

Among Them Are Tooth Infections, Snoring, And Sleep Deprivation    

There are seemingly simple and harmless conditions, which, if untreated, may worsen to the extreme to be life-threatening. One of them is a tooth infection, in which the harmful microorganisms can enter the bloodstream and infect the heart. Another is snoring, which can lead to obstructive sleep apnea, causing a sudden drop in blood oxygen. This affects the brain oxygenation, increase blood pressure, and even cause a stroke or heart attack. Never sleeping can also be fatal if the case is a very rare form of insomnia called fatal familial insomnia (FFI). It is caused by a sudden change in the prion protein, resulting in a difficulty of falling asleep, cognitive decline, and loss of control over body movements. Check the other apparently harmless conditions that can be fatal. More details click here.


Narcolepsy Can Cause Hallucinations About Dying

Narcolepsy Can Cause Hallucinations About Dying    

It Causes Loss Of Strength And Leads To An Irregular Sleep Cycle    

Narcolepsy, which is a condition whose sufferers can have sudden attacks of sleep, and can have extraordinary sleepiness during the day. The can also lose their strength, a condition known as cataplexy, and fall to the ground. However, there are other symptoms, such as hallucinations. The normal sleep cycle consists of four stages and a fifth one called REM in with the brain prepares for the next day and usually has no dreams. In narcolepsy, the brain jumps into REM within minutes of sleep, and it is difficult to differentiate if dreams are real or not. In some cases, dreams can be horrible, such as dreaming of death. Additional info click here.


Low Serotonin Can Be The Cause Of Sleep Disorders, Migraine, And Anxiety

Low Serotonin Can Be The Cause Of Sleep Disorders, Migraine, And Anxiety    

It Can Be Treated Naturally With A Diet Rich In Tryptophan    

Serotonin is a brain chemical that regulates sleep, mood, appetite, and memory. Some people might have low serotonin levels as a result of vitamin B6 deficiency, or certain amino acids. Symptoms include migraines, sleep disorders, depression, and anxiety, among others. It can be treated with diets rich in tryptophan, seafood, sunlight, and exercise, to name a few. For quicker results, there are treatments based on drugs called SSRIs. Additional details click here.


This Procedure Can Reset Circadian Rhythm, Ending Jet Lag

This Procedure Can Reset Circadian Rhythm, Ending Jet Lag    

Jet lag is the result of an alteration of the circadian clock. The body is used to sleep at certain times, and it has to learn to sleep at different times, affecting productivity. However, a study has shown that reducing 3% of the oxygen in the blood can resynchronize the circadian rhythm, ending jet lag. Additional details click here.


Correcting Your Sleeping Position To Avoid Back Pain When Waking Up

Correcting Your Sleeping Position To Avoid Back Pain When Waking Up    

It Will Also Help With Neck And Shoulder Pain    

A poor sleeping position might be the cause of shoulder, neck, or back pain. A soft mattress won’t be able to keep the natural curves of the spine, leading to back pain. This can be avoided by placing small pillows or rolled towels under the lower back and under the calves, the restore the curvature. If sleeping on the back. If sleeping on the side, a pillow between the knees will release the load of the lower back. Shoulder pain and neck pain can be caused by sleeping on a side with pillows too soft or too hard, among other causes. More details click here.


Meditation Will Help You With A Better Sleep – Here Is How

Meditation Will Help You With A Better Sleep – Here Is How    

Some nights it is very difficult to turn off and get some sleep. One way to control it is through meditation, which is also beneficial for lowing blood pressure and getting rid of anxiety. Meditation causes the brain to emit alpha waveforms, which are related to relaxation and it also lowers the heart rate. Is it difficult? Not at all. This guide will tell you how to begin. More info click here.


Unusual Sleep Disorders

Unusual Sleep Disorders    

Patients May Physically Act Their Dreams, Listen To Explosions, And Even Eat And Drink While Sleeping    

Poor sleep can affect concentration, productivity, and mental health. The most common sleep disorders are insomnia and sleep apnea but they are not the only ones. Among them is REM sleep behavior disorder, in which, instead of dreaming in a motionless state (which is caused by temporary paralysis of arms and legs), the person physically acts his dreams. Another disorder is called restless legs syndrome, in which the patient constantly moves his legs. A particular disorder is called exploding head syndrome (EHS), in which the patient listens to explosions, gunshots, fireworks, thunder, and doors slamming, among others. It is also accompanied by sensations of electricity, palpitations, breathing difficulties, and sweating. The cause may be related to stress and emotional tension. Also, we have heard of somnambulism, in which the patient walks when sleeping. There is a similar disorder, called parasomnia, in which the patient eats and drinks while asleep. Check all the unusual sleep disorders. Additional info click here.


Portable Device Screens Affect Sleep Quality

Portable Device Screens Affect Sleep Quality    

They Emit Blue Light, Which Affects The Production Of Melatonin    

Diverse studies have shown that the artificial blue light emitted by the LED screens of portable devices affects sleep quality. It reduces the production of melatonin, a chemical that tells the body that it’s time to sleep and also increases alertness. According to researchers, this light can be avoided with special eyewear that blocks blue light and also anti-reflective lenses. Additional info click here.


Binge Drinking Can Permanently Alter The Genes That Control Sleep

Binge Drinking Can Permanently Alter The Genes That Control Sleep    

It Would Make Sleeping More Difficult For The Rest Of The Life    

According to a study, four drinks in one session could permanently alter the sleep genes, making it more difficult to sleep for the rest of the life. Lab animals experienced an increase in non-REM sleep or dreamless sleep. Afterward, during periods when the lab rodents should have been asleep, they were awake. Specialists also observed that the test animals did not show an increase in adenosine, a chemical that promotes sleep, and did not have the impulse to sleep. They found that continuous drinking decreased the expression of the gene that controls sleep, therefore, the gene that controls sleep had lost effectivity after alcohol consumption. Additional details click here.


Sleepy From Staying Awake All Night? These Tips Will Help You Staying Alert

Sleepy From Staying Awake All Night? These Tips Will Help You Staying Alert    

After a night of poor sleeping due to insomnia, it is sometimes difficult to stay alert the next day. One way to deal with it is by having a healthy breakfast, rich in protein, which will help to stay awake in the morning and energized all day. Also sitting straight increases the energy levels. Limiting caffeine will improve productivity. More Information click here.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Unusual Ways To Get Rid Of Insomnia – Backed By Science

Unusual Ways To Get Rid Of Insomnia – Backed By Science    

People with insomnia seek many treatments. Usually, they are sleeping pills, but there are also natural ways to get sleep. For example, sleeping naked will lower the body temperature and sleep faster. Also meditating in bed also helps, which relaxes the whole body. Another trick is eating a tuna or salmon sandwich. These fish have B6, which is needed pro produce melatonin and help with sleep. Check all the techniques. Additional details click here.


Get Rid Of Insomnia By Getting Out Of Bedroom

Get Rid Of Insomnia By Getting Out Of Bedroom    

The Brain Created A Negative Association Of The Bed With The Inability To Sleep    

If you are having difficulty to sleep and don’t want to take sleeping pills, you can try other ways, such as leaving your bedroom – this way, the brain does not associate the bed with the inability to sleep. Also, wearing your body out, even with a short walk, will help to sleep and, at the same time, getting rid of stress. Another technique is progressive muscle relaxation, in which you “imagine” the muscles of your body being relaxed in sequence. Check all the advice for insomnia. Click here for more details.


High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated Naturally With Valerian

High Blood Pressure Can Be Treated Naturally With Valerian    

It Also Improves Sleep Quality And Helps With Panic Attacks And Excess Stress    

High blood pressure is usually treated with medication, diet, and lifestyle changes. However, there are also natural treatments that have proven to lower blood pressure. One of them is valerian, which has been used since medieval times to improve sleep quality, calm anxiety and reduce muscle tension. It combats the effects of stress by blocking certain enzymes in the brain, it increases the level of a substance called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), lowering the excess stimulation caused by overthinking in the presence of anxiety. It also lowers the blood pressure caused by excess stress and decreases sleep disturbance, panic attacks, and stress and anxiety. Additional details click here.


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Sleep Apnea And Poor Sleeping Can Lead To Hypertension

Sleep Apnea And Poor Sleeping Can Lead To Hypertension    

Sleep apnea has been related to high blood pressure. However, recent research suggests that sleeping less than six hours also increases the risk of hypertension, with, or without sleep apnea. This might be linked to the fact that sleep helps to regulate stress hormones, therefore, the lack of it will affect the ability to control stress hormones, resulting in hypertension. Click here for more details.


These Unusual Tips Will Help Induce Sleeping

These Unusual Tips Will Help Induce Sleeping    

There are unusual tips that will work for dealing with insomnia when counting sheep does not work. One of them is doing the opposite and trying to stay awake – the brain does not process negatives well and thinks it is an instruction to sleep. Other that may seem the opposite is wearing socks to bed since it is recommended a cool temperature to induce sleep. The body shifts the blood flow to the extremities, which cools down the body and instructs the brain to go to sleep. Check all the tips. Additional information click here.


The Brain Might Show Conscious Activity While We Sleep

The Brain Might Show Conscious Activity While We Sleep    

This Is Called “Sleep Misperception”, And Is One Of The Causes Or Poor Sleeping    

Some people do not feel that have slept, even if you see them deeply sleeping. Specialists call this conditions “sleep misperception”. We usually understand sleep as a condition in which a person is asleep or is not asleep. And being asleep is associated with being unconscious. However, researchers have found out the brain might be in an asleep pattern, but it is consciously aware. A series of tests on persons, while they sleep, revealed that people with insomnia reported being awake, even when their brain showed sleep patterns. Also, these persons, during the REM sleep phase, had activity in the brain areas associated with conscious awareness. The explanation might be that the brain experiences an inhibitory process to reduce consciousness and that these brain areas had not gone through such process. More info click here.


Monday, July 13, 2020

These Signs Can Tell That The Body’s pH Is Off-Balance

These Signs Can Tell That The Body’s pH Is Off-Balance    

When the body has an optimal pH balance, everything feels well, including the digestion, mood, and energy. There are things that can throw pH levels off balance, such as processed foods, which have excess sugar, lack of citrus, dehydration, excess stress, and too much animal protein, among others. Check the full list. Additional information click here.


Sleeping Less Than 6 Hours Or More Than 10 Hours Can Lead To Metabolic Syndrome

Sleeping Less Than 6 Hours Or More Than 10 Hours Can Lead To Metabolic Syndrome    

Its Symptoms Include Hypertension, High Levels Of Triglycerides, And Blood Sugar    

Lack of sleep and excessive sleep is related to poor health and metabolic syndrome. It will affect people who sleep less than 6 hours of more than 10 hours per day. According to a study, people who slept fewer than six hours have a higher risk to have metabolic syndrome and higher waist circumference, compared to people who slept six to seven hours per day. Metabolic syndrome included at least three of the following symptoms: elevated waist circumference, high triglyceride levels, low levels of ‘good’ (HDL) cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high level of blood sugar. More details click here.


If You Are Thinking About Taking Melatonin For Sleep, First Read This

If You Are Thinking About Taking Melatonin For Sleep, First Read This    

One of the OTC remedies for insomnia is melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the brain which induces sleep. Also, melatonin, taken as a supplement, is considered safer than sleeping pills. However, taking it during the day can have side effects like insomnia and depression. Click here for more info.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Stopping Caffeine Intake Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Bad Breath

Stopping Caffeine Intake Will Lower Blood Pressure And Help With Bad Breath    

However, It Might Result In Headaches And Mood Changes    

Many people consider that a cup of coffee is fundamental for their morning energy boost. Some even take several cups during the day, but it might lead to gastrointestinal problems or excess anxiety. Therefore, the solution is to cut it back. However, this can result in several health issues, due to the body’s dependence on caffeine. One of them are headaches caused by coffee withdrawal. This is because caffeine causes a constriction in the blood vessels in the brain, slowing the blood flow. When they expand, the increase in blood flow causes headaches, which will continue until the brain adapts to the new blood flow. This also means that caffeine can also e used to treat headaches. Another side effect id a change in the mood, because if the absence of the stimulant properties of caffeine. This can also cause depression and irritability. It might also lower the energy levels, increasing fatigue, until the body adapts itself. The absence of caffeine will also provide better sleep. It might also have positive effects lowering the blood pressure, which can be caused by a widening of the arteries. Another reason can be that the lack of caffeine lowers the production of adrenaline, which causes an elevation in blood pressure. It also has beneficial effects if oral health, such as less discoloration on the tooth enamel, and lowers the risk of bad breath. This is because caffeine also causes dry mouth, which promoted the growth of foul-smelling bacteria, increasing the risk of gum disease. The downside is that coffee has also beneficial effects, such as lowering the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and a longer lifespan, among others More info click here.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Preventing Insomnia In The Middle Of The Night

Preventing Insomnia In The Middle Of The Night    

Lower The Room Temperature, Avoid Stressing The Mind, And Review Pending Issues With A To-Do List    

There are times in which people wake up in the middle of the night and find it difficult to get asleep again. There are ways to sleep again, such as drinking warm milk with honey, which contains fat and sugar. Chamomile tea might help also. Another good idea is lowering the temperature in the bedroom because low body temperature is related to sleepiness. Also, it is important to avoid stimulating or stressing the brain by watching the news, games on the phone, and series. Sometimes, the reason the brain can’t shut down is that it is overthinking the pending issues for the next day. Writing a to-do-list will prevent from overthinking these pending tasks. There is also a technique, called paradoxical intent, in which one must do the opposite, and try by all means to stay awake, and sleep will come naturally. Check all the ways to get asleep again. More info click here.


Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues

Certain Sounds Can Cause Serious Health Issues    

Among Them Are Headaches, Hypertension, Hearing Loss, Sleep Disorders, And Even Memory Loss    

Recently, the U.S. embassy staff in Havana started hearing a high-pitched sound, which resulted in a diplomatic incident between the two countries, even though the cause was not found. Exposure to this sound resulted in severe health consequences for the embassy personnel. Among these were headaches, memory loss, sleep disorders and ear-related conditions, such as hearing loss and struggle to maintain balance. Testing also revealed a sustained injury to widespread brain networks. Studies have proven that exposure to sound, including frequencies that go beyond the range that humans can detect, can cause hearing loss, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. Click here for more info.


Thursday, July 9, 2020

Different Sleeping Pills Address Different Sleep Issues

Different Sleeping Pills Address Different Sleep Issues    

There are different types of sleeping pills, and not all have the same uses. Sure, all are prescribed for sleep disorders, but there are differences. Some are for people who only have trouble falling asleep, while others are for people who have trouble staying asleep. Even other drugs can be used in either case. This is because drugs have a short effect in the body, while others last longer. More info click here.


Binge Drinking Can Permanently Alter The Genes That Control Sleep

Binge Drinking Can Permanently Alter The Genes That Control Sleep    

It Would Make Sleeping More Difficult For The Rest Of The Life    

According to a study, four drinks in one session could permanently alter the sleep genes, making it more difficult to sleep for the rest of the life. Lab animals experienced an increase in non-REM sleep or dreamless sleep. Afterward, during periods when the lab rodents should have been asleep, they were awake. Specialists also observed that the test animals did not show an increase in adenosine, a chemical that promotes sleep, and did not have the impulse to sleep. They found that continuous drinking decreased the expression of the gene that controls sleep, therefore, the gene that controls sleep had lost effectivity after alcohol consumption. Additional details click here.


Working Remotely May Increase The Risk Of Stress And Insomnia

Working Remotely May Increase The Risk Of Stress And Insomnia    

Working outside the office usually boosts productivity. However, a recent study also found out that it was related to longer working hours, work home interference, higher work intensity, and unpaid overtime. This resulted in frequent episodes of stress and insomnia. Additional info click here.


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Avoid These To Get A Pleasant Sleep

Avoid These To Get A Pleasant Sleep    

Certain Foods Will Tend To Keep Us Awake, As Well As Binge-Watching On A Big-Screen Tv    

If you are having issues getting a good sleep, chances are that you have a habit related to insomnia. For example, working out too close to bedtime, which will raise the body temperature, making it difficult to sleep. Also, certain foods will make it hard to get sleep. According to a study, low-fiber, high-fat foods, result in poor sleep, due to an increase in metabolism. Also, variations in sugar level lead to the production of cortisol and insulin, causing the people to wake up. This can be avoided by eating a teaspoon of raw honey before going to sleep. Several studies have warned against the blue light in the tiny smartphone screens. It gets worse when binge-watching a series on a big screen TV late night. Not only the light affects the circadian rhythm, but also, if the series finishes in a cliffhanger, it will stimulate our brain and result in poor sleep. Check all the habits that will avoid having a pleasant sleep. More Information click here.


This Insomnia Treatment Does The Exact Opposite Of Getting Asleep

This Insomnia Treatment Does The Exact Opposite Of Getting Asleep    

The Patient Eliminates The Anxiety To Get Asleep, Trying To Stay Awake    

Insomnia is defined as the inability or difficulty to sleep. There is an insomnia treatment that consists of doing exactly the opposite. Instead of staying in bed, anxiously forcing to get asleep, the patient must stay awake as much as possible, until he falls asleep. It is a treatment based on reverse psychology, called paradoxical Intention. It does not oppose the anxious intention (of trying to force to sleep) but guides it in the opposite direction (toward forcing to stay awake). Click here for more info.


Sleep Apnea And Poor Sleeping Can Lead To Hypertension

Sleep Apnea And Poor Sleeping Can Lead To Hypertension    

Sleep apnea has been related to high blood pressure. However, recent research suggests that sleeping less than six hours also increases the risk of hypertension, with, or without sleep apnea. This might be linked to the fact that sleep helps to regulate stress hormones, therefore, the lack of it will affect the ability to control stress hormones, resulting in hypertension. Click here for more details.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Enjoy A Good  Night's Sleep Better With This Scientifically-Backed Advice

Enjoy A Good  Night's Sleep Better With This Scientifically-Backed Advice    

There are scientific tips that will allow a better sleep. For example, reduce the clutter in the house because it is a source of anxiety. Also, block sounds and light and take naps to avoid sleep deprivation. Food is also important - taking more fiber will help with sleep, while saturated carbs and fats will promote insomnia. More details click here.


Beliefs And Thoughts Related To Chronic Pain Can Result In Poor Sleep

Beliefs And Thoughts Related To Chronic Pain Can Result In Poor Sleep    

Individual attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts can be related to the duration and severity of chronic pain which can initiate pain-related insomnia. Therefore, thoughts focused on pain can be related to poorer sleep quality. More details click here.


Poor Sleeping Related To Gestational Diabetes And Other Complications

Poor Sleeping Related To Gestational Diabetes And Other Complications    

A study revealed that poor sleeping in pregnant women increases the risk of getting gestational diabetes (GDM). Even though GDM is no longer present after childbirth. The problems remain, leading to a 10 percent risk of diabetes in the short term, and 75 percent being diabetic or severely obese at later life. More details click here.