Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Unusual Sleep Disorders

Unusual Sleep Disorders    

Patients May Physically Act Their Dreams, Listen To Explosions, And Even Eat And Drink While Sleeping    

Poor sleep can affect concentration, productivity, and mental health. The most common sleep disorders are insomnia and sleep apnea but they are not the only ones. Among them is REM sleep behavior disorder, in which, instead of dreaming in a motionless state (which is caused by temporary paralysis of arms and legs), the person physically acts his dreams. Another disorder is called restless legs syndrome, in which the patient constantly moves his legs. A particular disorder is called exploding head syndrome (EHS), in which the patient listens to explosions, gunshots, fireworks, thunder, and doors slamming, among others. It is also accompanied by sensations of electricity, palpitations, breathing difficulties, and sweating. The cause may be related to stress and emotional tension. Also, we have heard of somnambulism, in which the patient walks when sleeping. There is a similar disorder, called parasomnia, in which the patient eats and drinks while asleep. Check all the unusual sleep disorders. Additional info click here.


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