Sleep Monitors Can Measure Sleep Length, But Nor Sleep Quality, Which Is The Time In Deep Sleep And While Dreaming
However, Then Can Provide Initial Data For The Case Of Sleep Disorder
Some people are obsessed about their sleep quality and use portable sleep monitors. However, these might not be providing complete information. Proper sleeping includes the time sleeping (usually 7 or 8 hours), and the quality of the sleep, which means little or no interruptions, and the time in NREM and REM. Sleep is a process consisting of two main cycles: The first one is non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) and the other one is rapid-eye-movement (REM). A complete cycle goes between 90 and 120 minutes, so, hour and a half, two hours and they play in a loop all night. NREM has three stages, in which the first is a sensation of drowsiness, has slow eye movements and takes about 10 minutes. In the second one heart rate and breathing slows, and body temperature decreases. In the third stage deep sleep occurs, and the body begins to repair itself. In REM sleep the eyes move rapidly. heart rate and breathing are faster and people begin to dream. REM sleep is the closes thing to being awake and takes about 20 to 25% of the sleep. Frequent interruptions can interfere with both cycles, so, even if the person has slept 8 hours, he will wake up unrested. Sleep trackers can monitor the amount of sleep, but not the quality of it. To measure it, clinical research is required, with electrodes to measure brainwaves, and other body functions. However, sleep monitors can provide initial data if a person suffers from a sleep disorder.
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