Melatonin Is An Alternative To Sleeping Pills With Fewer Side Effects
It Is Being Sold As Vaporizers, Speeding Up The Effect Because It Enters The Bloodstream Quicker
Even though sleeping pills are widely used, they can have side effects. This is why people are turning over to melatonin, which is a natural hormone, which alerts the body when to fall asleep, and when to wake up. The normal sleep-wake cycle, called the circadian cycle can be disrupted by stress, jet lag, or shift work. Melatonin supplements are available as OTC medications. Once these are ingested, it can take a certain time to take effect because it is metabolized by the liver. To avoid the delay, melatonin is also being sold in the form of vaporizers, which, according to manufacturers, the absorption period is cut down to seconds, because it enters the bloodstream through alveoli.