Saturday, November 30, 2019

Getting Rid Of Migraine When Waking Up

Getting Rid Of Migraine When Waking Up    

The Key Is To Identify The Triggers Such As Hunger, Hormones, And Lack Of Sleep    

There are times when migraine sufferers wake up with a migraine. To control this, the idea is to determine what the triggers are. Migraine sufferers tend to have six triggers each, however, they are not all the same for each person. It also depends on the threshold, which is determined by genetics. For example, one glass of red wine before sleeping will activate a migraine, while half a glass won't. Also, migraine drugs work by increasing the threshold. To identify the triggers, the best idea is to keep a journal. Among the most common triggers are hunger, which lowers the blood sugar, hormones, and lack of sleep, which can be caused by frequent changes in shift times. Check all the migraine triggers. Click here for more information.


Causes Of Sleepwalking And How To Avoid It

Causes Of Sleepwalking And How To Avoid It    

It Increases The Risk Of Injury To The Patient And To Others    

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, is more common among children than adults. It is estimated that 15% of children between the ages of 4 to 12 will have episodes of sleepwalking. The cause may be because they spend greater time in deep non-REM sleep stages. However, there are other causes, such as genetics, and an irregular sleep schedule, affecting the circadian rhythm, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Sleep deprivation, excessive stress, and magnesium deficiency can be other causes. Also, sleepwalking increases the risk of injury to the patient and to others, and they can even have episodes of violence. Check all the causes of somnambulism. Additional details click here.


Avoid These To Get A Pleasant Sleep

Avoid These To Get A Pleasant Sleep    

Certain Foods Will Tend To Keep Us Awake, As Well As Binge-Watching On A Big-Screen Tv    

If you are having issues getting a good sleep, chances are that you have a habit related to insomnia. For example, working out too close to bedtime, which will raise the body temperature, making it difficult to sleep. Also, certain foods will make it hard to get sleep. According to a study, low-fiber, high-fat foods, result in poor sleep, due to an increase in metabolism. Also, variations in sugar level lead to the production of cortisol and insulin, causing the people to wake up. This can be avoided by eating a teaspoon of raw honey before going to sleep. Several studies have warned against the blue light in the tiny smartphone screens. It gets worse when binge-watching a series on a big screen TV late night. Not only the light affects the circadian rhythm, but also, if the series finishes in a cliffhanger, it will stimulate our brain and result in poor sleep. Check all the habits that will avoid having a pleasant sleep. More Information click here.


When People With Normal Sleep Quality Swear That They Cannot Sleep

When People With Normal Sleep Quality Swear That They Cannot Sleep    

It Is A Condition Called Paradoxical Insomnia    

There is a type of sleep disorder in which the patient believes he has not slept in days in weeks. However, the partner or spouse confirms that the patient has been sleeping. Also, if the patient had not slept in weeks, there would be other symptoms, which are not present. When the patient goes through a sleep study, it reveals that the patient is sleeping normally. This condition is called paradoxical insomnia, also called sleep state misperception (SSM), in which the patient honestly believes that he has not slept. It is caused by a discrepancy between objective sleep quality and subjective perception of sleep. The reason is not understood, but it seems that there is elevated activity in the central nervous system. Another cause is a pre-sleep anxiety, which gives the impression that the patient is awake, even when he is asleep. More info click here.


Friday, November 29, 2019

Get Rid Of These Habits To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Get Rid Of These Habits To Get A Good Night’s Sleep    

Artificial Light From Screens, Stress And Late Snacks Can Affect The Production Of Melatonin    

Lack of sleep can cause metabolic disorders, excess weight, and poor concentration and reaction time, which results in work and car accidents. There are certain things that affect the sleep, besides staying up late at night. One of them is artificial light produced by smartphones, TV’s tablets, and computer screens. These generate a blue light that affects the production of melatonin, the hormone that tells the body that it’s time to sleep. Another is eating before going to bed, which increases glucose level, activating stress hormones and also decreases the production of melatonin. Stress produces hormones that put the body in an alert state while affecting the production of melatonin. Check all the factors that prevent a good night’s sleep. Click here for more info.


Researchers Have Identified Genes That Modify The Circadian Rhythm

Researchers Have Identified Genes That Modify The Circadian Rhythm    

Eventually, Humans Could Control Their Own Sleep-Wake Cycle    

Circadian rhythms, also known as the internal body clock that manages the awake time and sleep time, among many other body functions are nor only located in humans. Every animal with sensitivity to light has it. Disruption of the circadian rhythm, such as in the case of shift workers or traveling to different time zones, can lead to insomnia and hypertension, among others. Researchers have found a set of genes that react to environmental stresses by altering the circadian rhythm. This means that when the body is exposed to excessive oxidative stress or too low or too high concentrations of sugar or salt. The research could eventually help humans to set the conditions to control their own circadian rhythm and their own sleep-wake cycle. More details click here.


Frequent Headaches And Neck And Back Pain May Be Caused By Fibromyalgia

Frequent Headaches And Neck And Back Pain May Be Caused By Fibromyalgia    

Other Symptoms Include A Burning Sensation And Stiffness    

Fibromyalgia is a condition caused by changes in the way the body processes pain signals. It can be caused by a stressful event or a painful injury. Among its symptoms are frequent headaches, and pain around the body or focused on the neck or back. The pain can be felt like a stabbing or a burning sensation. It also includes extreme sensitivity, and also stiffness. Other symptoms are extreme fatigue and difficulty to sleep. Even though there is not a cure, there are treatments to ease the pain. Additional info click here.


Napping Is Beneficial, But You Have To Do It Correctly

Napping Is Beneficial, But You Have To Do It Correctly    

You Will Feel More Alert, Energized, And With A Better Mood    

Napping has beneficial effects, but it must be done correctly. It can be done for recovering, if you have irregular work hours, or have had recently a baby. Napping should take no more than 20 or 30 minutes. More time will result in sleep inertia, in which, instead of waking up refreshed and energized, you wake up sleepy and groggy. Also, taking a nap too close to bedtime will interfere with actual sleeping, and can lead to sleep disorders. Also, watch if you consider that taking a nap is necessary because you feel fatigued. This might be the symptom of a sleep disorder or a side effect of a medication. Therefore, the best time to nap is in the afternoon, around 2 or 3 pm, no longer than 30 minutes. You will wake up more alert, energized, with a better mood, and with faster reaction time. Click here for more details.


Thursday, November 28, 2019

A Late Workout Will Cause Dehydration And Put The Body In A State Of Alert

A Late Workout Will Cause Dehydration And Put The Body In A State Of Alert    

This Will Result In Poor Sleeping – Learn How To Prevent It    

A late workout can be an invitation to insomnia. After a workout, the body is dehydrated, resulting in an increased heart rate and a higher body temperature, which prevents sleeping. Also, the secretion of hormone cortisol puts the body in a state of alert. This can be prevented if the workout is finished at least three hours before going to sleep. Also, prevent dehydration by drinking water during the workout. However, it is important to have a good sleep after working out, because it rebuilds the nervous system and also regenerates the muscles. Sleep also oxygenates the muscles and nurtures them. More Information click here.


Strokes And Seizures Have Similar Symptoms, But Different Origins

Strokes And Seizures Have Similar Symptoms, But Different Origins    

Causes Can Be High Blood Pressure, Poor Circulation, Or Epilepsy And Even Lack Of Sleep    

Strokes and seizures are two conditions that affect brain functioning, have similar symptoms, but have different origins. A stroke occurs when a blood clot is cutting the irrigation in the brain, or when there is a hemorrhage in the brain. A seizure is a neurological event, in which there is a disruption in the electrical signals coming and going to the brain. A stroke can be caused by high blood pressure, diabetes and poor circulation, and is usually a one-time event because the second stroke usually results in death. Thus, it is very important to determine the cause of the stroke and follow the doctor’s orders to avoid a second one. A seizure is usually caused by epilepsy, but other causes can be high fever, meningitis, lack of sleep, among others. The doctor will prescribe a treatment once he has determined the origin of the stroke. Additional details click here.


One Of The Main Causes Of Car Accidents And Deaths Is Sleep Deficiency

One Of The Main Causes Of Car Accidents And Deaths Is Sleep Deficiency    

The Driver Has Low Reaction Time And Pays Less Attention To The Road    

According to a recent study, sleep deficiency is one of the main causes of vehicle accidents and deaths. Lack of sleep increases the risk of a vehicle crash in 33 percent. A sleepy driver pays less attention, has a lower reaction time, and will probably make poor decisions. Considering the number of people with poor sleeping, there are many drivers under the effect of sleep deficiency, risking their lives and others. The most critical part is that many of these drivers are unaware of their lack of sleep and don’t consider that they are at risk. Caffeine might be seen as a solution to prevent the effects of lack of sleep while driving, but the effects only last a short time. Also if the driver takes medications that include sleepiness as a side effect, it is better to take public transportation. Click here for more information.


The Brain Might Show Conscious Activity While We Sleep

The Brain Might Show Conscious Activity While We Sleep    

This Is Called “Sleep Misperception”, And Is One Of The Causes Or Poor Sleeping    

Some people do not feel that have slept, even if you see them deeply sleeping. Specialists call this conditions “sleep misperception”. We usually understand sleep as a condition in which a person is asleep or is not asleep. And being asleep is associated with being unconscious. However, researchers have found out the brain might be in an asleep pattern, but it is consciously aware. A series of tests on persons, while they sleep, revealed that people with insomnia reported being awake, even when their brain showed sleep patterns. Also, these persons, during the REM sleep phase, had activity in the brain areas associated with conscious awareness. The explanation might be that the brain experiences an inhibitory process to reduce consciousness and that these brain areas had not gone through such process. More info click here.


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Xanax, Ativan, And Other Benzodiazepines Can Result In Dependency And Addiction

Xanax, Ativan, And Other Benzodiazepines Can Result In Dependency And Addiction    

The Same Happened With Opioid-Based Painkillers    

Opioid-based painkillers are beginning to turn into a health problem because of their tendency to generate addiction after long-term use. The same is happening with benzodiazepines, such as Xanax and Ativan, which treat depression and anxiety. Extended use results in sleep problems, mood changes, and more anxiety, which is one of the conditions it should originally treat. Benzodiazepines are being also prescribed for insomnia and for panic attacks. However, when the patient already has an addiction, withdrawal can cause seizures and panic attacks. Additional information click here.


Concerned About Sleeping Pills? Check These Natural Cures For Insomnia And Sleep Apnea

Concerned About Sleeping Pills? Check These Natural Cures For Insomnia And Sleep Apnea    

Calcium And Magnesium Are Linked To Good Sleeping    

If you are concerned about the issues with sleeping pills, you will be glad to know that insomnia can be treated naturally or by health supplements. According to studies, low levels of magnesium have been linked to insomnia, depression and sleep apnea. This supplement is present in nuts, chicken, beef, fish and green vegetables. Another important supplement is calcium, which is related to the REM phase of sleep. Low calcium will leave a sensation of fatigue in the morning, even after sleeping all night. Some natural sources are nuts, bread, soybeans, and broccoli. Even though there is no definitive scientific evidence, a South American herb called passionflower is claimed to end insomnia, anxiety, ADHD, among other health conditions. Yoga and meditation are known for helping people with anxiety, however, there are studies stating that they also help with insomnia. Check all the natural treatments for insomnia and sleep apnea. Click here for more info.